Integrate contributions into your pipeline ========================================== The `contrib` module provides a collection of additional features which could be relevant for your document analysis pipeline. The following sections will give you an overview of the available modules and features. .. currentmodule:: doctr.contrib Available contribution modules ------------------------------ **NOTE:** To use the contrib module, you need to install the `onnxruntime` package. You can install it using the following command: .. code:: bash pip install python-doctr[contrib] # Or pip install onnxruntime # pip install onnxruntime-gpu Here are all contribution modules that are available through docTR: ArtefactDetection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ArtefactDetection module provides a set of functions to detect artefacts in the document images, such as logos, QR codes, bar codes, etc. It is based on the YOLOv8 architecture, which is a state-of-the-art object detection model. .. code:: python3 from import DocumentFile from doctr.contrib.artefacts import ArtefactDetection # Load the document doc = DocumentFile.from_images(["path/to/your/image"]) detector = ArtefactDetection(batch_size=2, conf_threshold=0.5, iou_threshold=0.5) artefacts = detector(doc) # Visualize the detected artefacts You can also use your custom trained YOLOv8 model to detect artefacts or anything else you need. Reference: `YOLOv8 `_ **NOTE:** The YOLOv8 model (no Oriented Bounding Box (OBB) inference supported yet) needs to be provided as onnx exported model with a dynamic batch size. .. code:: python3 from doctr.contrib import ArtefactDetection detector = ArtefactDetection(model_path="path/to/your/model.onnx", labels=["table", "figure"])