Namespace: Mindee.Parsing
Name | Description |
ApiRequest | Information from Mindee about the api request. |
AsyncPredictResponse<TModel> | Represent an enqueued predict response from Mindee API. |
CommonResponse | Represent common response information from Mindee API. |
Cropper | Cropping result. |
DateTimeJsonConverter | Custom deserializer for DateTime |
Document<TInferenceModel> | Define the parsed document. |
Error | Represent an error information from the API response. |
ErrorDetails | Represent an error information from the API response. |
ErrorDetailsJsonConverter | Custom de-serialize for ErrorDetails |
Execution<TInferenceModel> | Representation of a workflow execution. |
ExecutionFile | File name. |
Extras | Optional information about the document. |
FullTextOcr | Cropping result. |
Inference<TPagePrediction, TDocumentPrediction> | Define the inference model of values. |
InferenceExtras | Inference-level optional info. |
Job | Define an enqueued job. |
MvisionV1 | List all pages that have ocr results. |
Ocr | Ocr result information. |
Orientation | The orientation which was applied from the original page. |
Page | Represent a page. |
Page<TPagePrediction> | Define a page in the parsed document. |
Pages<TPagePrediction> | The pages and the associated values which were detected on the document. |
PagesJsonConverter<TPage> | Custom de-serializer for custom lists of objects. |
PredictResponse<TModel> | Represent a predict response from Mindee API. |
Product | The product on which the document was parsed. |
Word | Represent a word. |
WorkflowResponse<TModel> | Represents the server response after a document is sent to a workflow. |
WorkflowResponse<TModel>.Default | Default product is GeneratedV1. |
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