
Mindee.Parsing.Common Namespace

Namespace: Mindee.Parsing


Name Description
ApiRequest Information from Mindee about the api request.
AsyncPredictResponse<TModel> Represent an enqueued predict response from Mindee API.
CommonResponse Represent common response information from Mindee API.
Cropper Cropping result.
DateTimeJsonConverter Custom deserializer for DateTime
Document<TInferenceModel> Define the parsed document.
Error Represent an error information from the API response.
ErrorDetails Represent an error information from the API response.
ErrorDetailsJsonConverter Custom de-serialize for ErrorDetails
Execution<TInferenceModel> Representation of a workflow execution.
ExecutionFile File name.
Extras Optional information about the document.
FullTextOcr Cropping result.
Inference<TPagePrediction, TDocumentPrediction> Define the inference model of values.
InferenceExtras Inference-level optional info.
Job Define an enqueued job.
MvisionV1 List all pages that have ocr results.
Ocr Ocr result information.
Orientation The orientation which was applied from the original page.
Page Represent a page.
Page<TPagePrediction> Define a page in the parsed document.
Pages<TPagePrediction> The pages and the associated values which were detected on the document.
PagesJsonConverter<TPage> Custom de-serializer for custom lists of objects.
PredictResponse<TModel> Represent a predict response from Mindee API.
Product The product on which the document was parsed.
Word Represent a word.
WorkflowResponse<TModel> Represents the server response after a document is sent to a workflow.
WorkflowResponse<TModel>.Default Default product is GeneratedV1.

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