
BillOfLadingV1CarrierItem Class

Namespace: Mindee.Product.BillOfLading
Assembly: Mindee
Assembly Version: 3.22.0+aa1b44d54eab23ff2156f9ad9391c70a961697c0

The goods being shipped.

public sealed class BillOfLadingV1CarrierItem : LineItemField

Inheritance: object → BaseFieldLineItemField → BillOfLadingV1CarrierItem


Name Description


Name Description
Description A description of the item.
GrossWeight The gross weight of the item.
Measurement The measurement of the item.
MeasurementUnit The unit of measurement for the measurement.
Quantity The quantity of the item being shipped.
WeightUnit The unit of measurement for weights.


Name Description
ToString() A prettier representation of the line values.
ToTableLine() Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.

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