
BusinessCardV1Document Class

Namespace: Mindee.Product.BusinessCard
Assembly: Mindee
Assembly Version: 3.22.0+aa1b44d54eab23ff2156f9ad9391c70a961697c0

Business Card API version 1.0 document data.

public class BusinessCardV1Document : IPrediction

Inheritance: object → BusinessCardV1Document

Implements: IPrediction


Name Description


Name Description
Address The address of the person.
Company The company the person works for.
Email The email address of the person.
FaxNumber The Fax number of the person.
Firstname The given name of the person.
JobTitle The job title of the person.
Lastname The lastname of the person.
MobileNumber The mobile number of the person.
PhoneNumber The phone number of the person.
SocialMedia The social media profiles of the person or company.
Website The website of the person or company.


Name Description
ToString() A prettier representation of the current model values.

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