Namespace: Mindee.Product.Fr.CarteGrise
Assembly: Mindee
Assembly Version: 3.22.0+aa1b44d54eab23ff2156f9ad9391c70a961697c0
Carte Grise API version 1.1 document data.
public class CarteGriseV1Document : IPrediction
Inheritance: object → CarteGriseV1Document
Implements: IPrediction
Name | Description |
CarteGriseV1Document() |
Name | Description |
A | The vehicle’s license plate number. |
B | The vehicle’s first release date. |
C1 | The vehicle owner’s full name including maiden name. |
C3 | The vehicle owner’s address. |
C41 | Number of owners of the license certificate. |
C4A | Mentions about the ownership of the vehicle. |
D1 | The vehicle’s brand. |
D3 | The vehicle’s commercial name. |
E | The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). |
F1 | The vehicle’s maximum admissible weight. |
F2 | The vehicle’s maximum admissible weight within the license’s state. |
F3 | The vehicle’s maximum authorized weight with coupling. |
FormulaNumber | The document’s formula number. |
G | The vehicle’s weight with coupling if tractor different than category M1. |
G1 | The vehicle’s national empty weight. |
I | The car registration date of the given certificate. |
J | The vehicle’s category. |
J1 | The vehicle’s national type. |
J2 | The vehicle’s body type (CE). |
J3 | The vehicle’s body type (National designation). |
Mrz1 | Machine Readable Zone, first line. |
Mrz2 | Machine Readable Zone, second line. |
OwnerFirstName | The vehicle’s owner first name. |
OwnerSurname | The vehicle’s owner surname. |
P1 | The vehicle engine’s displacement (cm3). |
P2 | The vehicle’s maximum net power (kW). |
P3 | The vehicle’s fuel type or energy source. |
P6 | The vehicle’s administrative power (fiscal horsepower). |
Q | The vehicle’s power to weight ratio. |
S1 | The vehicle’s number of seats. |
S2 | The vehicle’s number of standing rooms (person). |
U1 | The vehicle’s sound level (dB). |
U2 | The vehicle engine’s rotation speed (RPM). |
V7 | The vehicle’s CO2 emission (g\/km). |
X1 | Next technical control date. |
Y1 | Amount of the regional proportional tax of the registration (in euros). |
Y2 | Amount of the additional parafiscal tax of the registration (in euros). |
Y3 | Amount of the additional CO2 tax of the registration (in euros). |
Y4 | Amount of the fee for managing the registration (in euros). |
Y5 | Amount of the fee for delivery of the registration certificate in euros. |
Y6 | Total amount of registration fee to be paid in euros. |
Name | Description |
ToString() | A prettier representation of the current model values. |
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