
EnergyBillV1Document Class

Namespace: Mindee.Product.Fr.EnergyBill
Assembly: Mindee
Assembly Version: 3.22.0+aa1b44d54eab23ff2156f9ad9391c70a961697c0

Energy Bill API version 1.0 document data.

public class EnergyBillV1Document : IPrediction

Inheritance: object → EnergyBillV1Document

Implements: IPrediction


Name Description


Name Description
ContractId The unique identifier associated with a specific contract.
DeliveryPoint The unique identifier assigned to each electricity or gas consumption point. It specifies the exact location where the energy is delivered.
DueDate The date by which the payment for the energy invoice is due.
EnergyConsumer The entity that consumes the energy.
EnergySupplier The company that supplies the energy.
EnergyUsage Details of energy consumption.
InvoiceDate The date when the energy invoice was issued.
InvoiceNumber The unique identifier of the energy invoice.
MeterDetails Information about the energy meter.
Subscription The subscription details fee for the energy service.
TaxesAndContributions Details of Taxes and Contributions.
TotalAmount The total amount to be paid for the energy invoice.
TotalBeforeTaxes The total amount to be paid for the energy invoice before taxes.
TotalTaxes Total of taxes applied to the invoice.


Name Description
ToString() A prettier representation of the current model values.

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