
Mindee.Product.Fr.Payslip Namespace

Namespace: Mindee.Product.Fr


Name Description
PayslipV2 Payslip API version 2 inference prediction.
PayslipV2BankAccountDetail Information about the employee’s bank account.
PayslipV2Document Payslip API version 2.0 document data.
PayslipV2Employee Information about the employee.
PayslipV2Employer Information about the employer.
PayslipV2Employment Information about the employment.
PayslipV2PayDetail Detailed information about the pay.
PayslipV2PayPeriod Information about the pay period.
PayslipV2Pto Information about paid time off.
PayslipV2SalaryDetail Detailed information about the earnings.
PayslipV2SalaryDetails Detailed information about the earnings.
PayslipV3 Payslip API version 3 inference prediction.
PayslipV3BankAccountDetail Information about the employee’s bank account.
PayslipV3Document Payslip API version 3.0 document data.
PayslipV3Employee Information about the employee.
PayslipV3Employer Information about the employer.
PayslipV3Employment Information about the employment.
PayslipV3PaidTimeOff Information about paid time off.
PayslipV3PaidTimeOffs Information about paid time off.
PayslipV3PayDetail Detailed information about the pay.
PayslipV3PayPeriod Information about the pay period.
PayslipV3SalaryDetail Detailed information about the earnings.
PayslipV3SalaryDetails Detailed information about the earnings.

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