
InternationalIdV2Document Class

Namespace: Mindee.Product.InternationalId
Assembly: Mindee
Assembly Version: 3.22.0+aa1b44d54eab23ff2156f9ad9391c70a961697c0

International ID API version 2.1 document data.

public class InternationalIdV2Document : IPrediction

Inheritance: object → InternationalIdV2Document

Implements: IPrediction


Name Description


Name Description
Address The physical address of the document holder.
BirthDate The date of birth of the document holder.
BirthPlace The place of birth of the document holder.
CountryOfIssue The country where the document was issued.
DocumentNumber The unique identifier assigned to the document.
DocumentType The type of personal identification document.
ExpiryDate The date when the document becomes invalid.
GivenNames The list of the document holder’s given names.
IssueDate The date when the document was issued.
MrzLine1 The Machine Readable Zone, first line.
MrzLine2 The Machine Readable Zone, second line.
MrzLine3 The Machine Readable Zone, third line.
Nationality The country of citizenship of the document holder.
PersonalNumber The unique identifier assigned to the document holder.
Sex The biological sex of the document holder.
StateOfIssue The state or territory where the document was issued.
Surnames The list of the document holder’s family names.


Name Description
ToString() A prettier representation of the current model values.

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