
InvoiceV4Document Class

Namespace: Mindee.Product.Invoice
Assembly: Mindee
Assembly Version: 3.22.0+aa1b44d54eab23ff2156f9ad9391c70a961697c0

Invoice API version 4.9 document data.

public class InvoiceV4Document : IPrediction

Inheritance: object → InvoiceV4Document

Implements: IPrediction


Name Description


Name Description
BillingAddress The customer’s address used for billing.
CustomerAddress The address of the customer.
CustomerCompanyRegistrations List of company registrations associated to the customer.
CustomerId The customer account number or identifier from the supplier.
CustomerName The name of the customer or client.
Date The date the purchase was made.
DocumentType One of: ‘INVOICE’, ‘CREDIT NOTE’.
DueDate The date on which the payment is due.
InvoiceNumber The invoice number or identifier.
LineItems List of line item details.
Locale The locale detected on the document.
PaymentDate The date on which the payment is due\/ was full-filled.
PoNumber The purchase order number.
ReferenceNumbers List of Reference numbers, including PO number.
ShippingAddress Customer’s delivery address.
SupplierAddress The address of the supplier or merchant.
SupplierCompanyRegistrations List of company registrations associated to the supplier.
SupplierEmail The email of the supplier or merchant.
SupplierName The name of the supplier or merchant.
SupplierPaymentDetails List of payment details associated to the supplier.
SupplierPhoneNumber The phone number of the supplier or merchant.
SupplierWebsite The website URL of the supplier or merchant.
Taxes List of tax line details.
TotalAmount The total amount paid: includes taxes, tips, fees, and other charges.
TotalNet The net amount paid: does not include taxes, fees, and discounts.
TotalTax The total tax: includes all the taxes paid for this invoice.


Name Description
ToString() A prettier representation of the current model values.

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