Representation of an execution for a workflow.

Type Parameters



availableAt: null | Date

The time at which the file was uploaded to a workflow.

batchName: string

Identifier for the batch to which the execution belongs.

createdAt: null | Date

The time at which the execution started.

File representation within a workflow execution.

id: string

Identifier for the execution.

inference: null | T

Deserialized inference object.

priority: null | ExecutionPriority

Priority of the execution.

reviewedAt: null | Date

The time at which the file was tagged as reviewed.

reviewedPrediction: null | GeneratedV1Document

Reviewed fields and values.

status: string

Execution Status.

type: null | string

Execution type.

uploadedAt: null | Date

The time at which the file was uploaded to a workflow.

workflowId: string

Identifier for the workflow.