Detailed information about the pay.



confidence: number = 0.0

Confidence score

grossSalary: null | number

The gross salary of the employee.

grossSalaryYtd: null | number

The year-to-date gross salary of the employee.

incomeTaxRate: null | number

The income tax rate of the employee.

incomeTaxWithheld: null | number

The income tax withheld from the employee's pay.

netPaid: null | number

The net paid amount of the employee.

netPaidBeforeTax: null | number

The net paid amount before tax of the employee.

netTaxable: null | number

The net taxable amount of the employee.

netTaxableYtd: null | number

The year-to-date net taxable amount of the employee.

pageId: number

The document page on which the information was found.

polygon: Polygon = []

Contains the relative vertices coordinates (points) of a polygon containing the field in the document.

totalCostEmployer: null | number

The total cost to the employer.

totalTaxesAndDeductions: null | number

The total taxes and deductions of the employee.
