
in package

Representation of a workflow execution.

Table of Contents


$availableAt  : DateTimeImmutable|null
The time at which the file was uploaded to a workflow.
$batchName  : string|null
Identifier for the batch to which the execution belongs.
$createdAt  : DateTimeImmutable|null
The time at which the execution started.
$file  : ExecutionFile|null
File representation within a workflow execution.
$id  : string|null
Identifier for the execution.
$inference  : Inference|null
Deserialized inference object.
$priority  : string|null
Priority of the execution.
$reviewedAt  : DateTimeImmutable|null
The time at which the file was tagged as reviewed.
$reviewedPrediction  : GeneratedV1Document|null
Reviewed fields and values.
$status  : string|null
Execution Status.
$type  : string|null
Execution type.
$uploadedAt  : DateTimeImmutable|null
The time at which the file was uploaded to a workflow.
$workflowId  : string|null
Identifier for the workflow.


__construct()  : mixed
__toString()  : string



The time at which the file was uploaded to a workflow.

public DateTimeImmutable|null $availableAt


Identifier for the batch to which the execution belongs.

public string|null $batchName


The time at which the execution started.

public DateTimeImmutable|null $createdAt


Identifier for the execution.

public string|null $id


Priority of the execution.

public string|null $priority


The time at which the file was tagged as reviewed.

public DateTimeImmutable|null $reviewedAt


Execution Status.

public string|null $status


Execution type.

public string|null $type


The time at which the file was uploaded to a workflow.

public DateTimeImmutable|null $uploadedAt


Identifier for the workflow.

public string|null $workflowId



public __construct(string $predictionType, array<string|int, mixed> $rawResponse) : mixed
$predictionType : string

Type of prediction.

$rawResponse : array<string|int, mixed>

Raw execution array.


Throws if one of the objects can't properly be created.


public __toString() : string
Return values

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