Table of Contents
- Client
- Main entrypoint for Mindee operations.
- ErrorCode
- Enum class holding error codes for exceptions.
- MindeeApiException
- Exceptions relating to library issues.
- MindeeClientException
- Exceptions relating to the Mindee client.
- MindeeException
- Global Mindee Exception.
- MindeeGeometryException
- Exceptions relating to geometric manipulation issues.
- MindeeHttpClientException
- Exceptions relating to client-side HTTP calls.
- MindeeHttpException
- Exceptions relating to HTTP calls.
- MindeeHttpServerException
- Exceptions relating to server-side HTTP calls.
- MindeeImageException
- Exceptions relating to the handling of images.
- MindeeMimeTypeException
- Exceptions relating to mime type issues.
- MindeePDFException
- Exceptions relating to the handling of PDF documents.
- MindeeSourceException
- Exceptions relating to sources (documents) handling.
- MindeeUnhandledException
- Exceptions relating to missing dependencies.
- MindeeUnsetException
- Exceptions relating to products containing unset fields.
- ExtractedImage
- An extracted sub-image.
- ExtractedPdf
- An extracted sub-Pdf.
- ImageExtractor
- Extract sub-images from an image.
- PdfExtractor
- PDF extraction class.
- BBox
- Bounding box represented as a set of minimum and maximum values for the x and y axes.
- BBoxUtils
- Utility class for BBox.
- MinMax
- Set of minimum and maximum values.
- MinMaxUtils
- Utility class for MinMax.
- Point
- Representation of the coordinates of a point.
- Polygon
- Polygon represented as a set of coordinates (vertices/points).
- PolygonUtils
- Utility class for Polygon.
- BaseApi
- Base class for API settings.
- BaseEndpoint
- Abstract class for endpoints.
- Endpoint
- Endpoint management.
- MindeeApi
- Data class containing settings for endpoints.
- MindeeWorkflowApi
- Data class containing settings for workflows.
- ResponseValidation
- Wrapper class for http requests/responses validation handling.
- WorkflowEndpoint
- Workflow router endpoint substitute.
- ImageCompressor
- Image compressor class to handle image compression.
- ImageUtils
- Miscellaneous image operations.
- Base64Input
- Base64-encoded text input.
- BytesInput
- Raw bytes input.
- CommonOptions
- Common base for regular prediction options and workflow options.
- EnqueueAndParseMethodOptions
- Handles options tied to asynchronous parsing.
- FileInput
- Binary file input.
- InputSource
- Base class for input sources.
- LocalInputSource
- Base class for all input sources coming from the local machine.
- LocalResponse
- Local response loaded from a file.
- PageOptions
- Options for page handling (PDF only).
- PathInput
- Local path input.
- PredictMethodOptions
- Handles options tied to prediction method.
- PredictOptions
- Handles options tied to Predictions.
- URLInputSource
- A local or distant URL input.
- WorkflowOptions
- Handles options tied to Workflows.
- ApiRequest
- Information on the API request made to the server.
- ApiResponse
- Base class for API responses.
- AsyncPredictResponse
- Async Response Wrapper class for a Predict response.
- Document
- Base class for all predictions.
- Execution
- Representation of a workflow execution.
- ExecutionFile
- Representation of a workflow execution's file data.
- CropperExtra
- Contains information on the cropping of a prediction.
- Extras
- Extras collection wrapper class.
- FullTextOcrExtra
- Full Text OCR result.
- Inference
- Base Inference class for all predictions.
- Job
- Job class for asynchronous requests.
- MVisionV1
- Mindee Vision V1.
- Ocr
- OCR extraction from the entire document.
- OcrLine
- A list of words which are on the same line.
- OcrPage
- OCR extraction for a single page.
- OcrWord
- A single word.
- OrientationField
- The clockwise rotation to apply (in degrees) to make the image upright.
- Page
- Base Page object for predictions.
- Prediction
- Base class for prediction responses.
- PredictResponse
- Response of a prediction request.
- Product
- Class for keeping track of a product's info.
- SummaryHelper
- Utility class to handle information display.
- WorkflowResponse
- Represents the server response after a document is sent to a workflow.
- ClassificationField
- A classification field.
- CustomLine
- Represents a single line.
- ListField
- A list of value or words.
- ListFieldValue
- A single Value or word.
- DependencyChecker
- Utility class to check the availability of potentially incompatible libraries.
- GeneratedListField
- A list of value or words for generated APIs.
- GeneratedObjectField
- A JSON-like object, with miscellaneous values.
- AmountField
- A field containing an amount value.
- BaseField
- Base class for most fields.
- BooleanField
- A field containing a boolean value.
- ClassificationField
- Represents a classifier value.
- CompanyRegistrationField
- A company registration item.
- DateField
- A field containing a date value.
- LocaleField
- The locale detected on the document.
- PaymentDetailsField
- Information on a single payment.
- PositionField
- A field indicating a position or area on the document.
- StringField
- A field containing a text value.
- Taxes
- List of tax lines information.
- TaxField
- Tax line information.
- CustomFPDI
- Custom wrapper to add text rotation to FPDI.
- PDFCompressor
- PDF compression class.
- PDFUtils
- PDF utility class.
- BarcodeReaderV1
- Barcode Reader API version 1 inference prediction.
- BarcodeReaderV1Document
- Barcode Reader API version 1.0 document data.
- BillOfLadingV1
- Bill of Lading API version 1 inference prediction.
- BillOfLadingV1Carrier
- The shipping company responsible for transporting the goods.
- BillOfLadingV1CarrierItem
- The goods being shipped.
- BillOfLadingV1CarrierItems
- The goods being shipped.
- BillOfLadingV1Consignee
- The party to whom the goods are being shipped.
- BillOfLadingV1Document
- Bill of Lading API version 1.1 document data.
- BillOfLadingV1NotifyParty
- The party to be notified of the arrival of the goods.
- BillOfLadingV1Shipper
- The party responsible for shipping the goods.
- BusinessCardV1
- Business Card API version 1 inference prediction.
- BusinessCardV1Document
- Business Card API version 1.0 document data.
- CropperV1
- Cropper API version 1 inference prediction.
- CropperV1Document
- Cropper API version 1.1 document data.
- CropperV1Page
- Cropper API version 1.1 page data.
- CustomV1
- Custom document (API Builder) v1 inference results.
- CustomV1Document
- Custom V1 document prediction results.
- CustomV1Page
- Custom V1 page prediction results.
- DeliveryNoteV1
- Delivery note API version 1 inference prediction.
- DeliveryNoteV1Document
- Delivery note API version 1.1 document data.
- DriverLicenseV1
- Driver License API version 1 inference prediction.
- DriverLicenseV1Document
- Driver License API version 1.0 document data.
- DriverLicenseV1
- Driver License API version 1 inference prediction.
- DriverLicenseV1Document
- Driver License API version 1.0 document data.
- DriverLicenseV1Page
- Driver License API version 1.0 page data.
- LicensePlateV1
- License Plate API version 1 inference prediction.
- LicensePlateV1Document
- License Plate API version 1.1 document data.
- FinancialDocumentV1
- Financial Document API version 1 inference prediction.
- FinancialDocumentV1Document
- Financial Document API version 1.11 document data.
- FinancialDocumentV1LineItem
- List of line item details.
- FinancialDocumentV1LineItems
- List of line item details.
- BankAccountDetailsV1
- Bank Account Details API version 1 inference prediction.
- BankAccountDetailsV1Document
- Bank Account Details API version 1.0 document data.
- BankAccountDetailsV2
- Bank Account Details API version 2 inference prediction.
- BankAccountDetailsV2Bban
- Full extraction of BBAN, including: branch code, bank code, account and key.
- BankAccountDetailsV2Document
- Bank Account Details API version 2.0 document data.
- CarteGriseV1
- Carte Grise API version 1 inference prediction.
- CarteGriseV1Document
- Carte Grise API version 1.1 document data.
- EnergyBillV1
- Energy Bill API version 1 inference prediction.
- EnergyBillV1Document
- Energy Bill API version 1.0 document data.
- EnergyBillV1EnergyConsumer
- The entity that consumes the energy.
- EnergyBillV1EnergySupplier
- The company that supplies the energy.
- EnergyBillV1EnergyUsage
- Details of energy consumption.
- EnergyBillV1EnergyUsages
- Details of energy consumption.
- EnergyBillV1MeterDetail
- Information about the energy meter.
- EnergyBillV1Subscription
- The subscription details fee for the energy service.
- EnergyBillV1Subscriptions
- The subscription details fee for the energy service.
- EnergyBillV1TaxesAndContribution
- Details of Taxes and Contributions.
- EnergyBillV1TaxesAndContributions
- Details of Taxes and Contributions.
- HealthCardV1
- Health Card API version 1 inference prediction.
- HealthCardV1Document
- Health Card API version 1.0 document data.
- IdCardV1
- Carte Nationale d'Identité API version 1 inference prediction.
- IdCardV1Document
- Carte Nationale d'Identité API version 1.1 document data.
- IdCardV1Page
- Carte Nationale d'Identité API version 1.1 page data.
- IdCardV2
- Carte Nationale d'Identité API version 2 inference prediction.
- IdCardV2Document
- Carte Nationale d'Identité API version 2.0 document data.
- IdCardV2Page
- Carte Nationale d'Identité API version 2.0 page data.
- PayslipV2
- Payslip API version 2 inference prediction.
- PayslipV2BankAccountDetail
- Information about the employee's bank account.
- PayslipV2Document
- Payslip API version 2.0 document data.
- PayslipV2Employee
- Information about the employee.
- PayslipV2Employer
- Information about the employer.
- PayslipV2Employment
- Information about the employment.
- PayslipV2PayDetail
- Detailed information about the pay.
- PayslipV2PayPeriod
- Information about the pay period.
- PayslipV2Pto
- Information about paid time off.
- PayslipV2SalaryDetail
- Detailed information about the earnings.
- PayslipV2SalaryDetails
- Detailed information about the earnings.
- PayslipV3
- Payslip API version 3 inference prediction.
- PayslipV3BankAccountDetail
- Information about the employee's bank account.
- PayslipV3Document
- Payslip API version 3.0 document data.
- PayslipV3Employee
- Information about the employee.
- PayslipV3Employer
- Information about the employer.
- PayslipV3Employment
- Information about the employment.
- PayslipV3PaidTimeOff
- Information about paid time off.
- PayslipV3PaidTimeOffs
- Information about paid time off.
- PayslipV3PayDetail
- Detailed information about the pay.
- PayslipV3PayPeriod
- Information about the pay period.
- PayslipV3SalaryDetail
- Detailed information about the earnings.
- PayslipV3SalaryDetails
- Detailed information about the earnings.
- GeneratedV1
- Generated document (API Builder) v1 inference results.
- GeneratedV1Document
- Generated V1 document prediction results.
- GeneratedV1Page
- Generated V1 page prediction results.
- GeneratedV1Prediction
- Generated V1 document prediction results.
- IndianPassportV1
- Passport - India API version 1 inference prediction.
- IndianPassportV1Document
- Passport - India API version 1.2 document data.
- InternationalIdV2
- International ID API version 2 inference prediction.
- InternationalIdV2Document
- International ID API version 2.1 document data.
- InvoiceV4
- Invoice API version 4 inference prediction.
- InvoiceV4Document
- Invoice API version 4.9 document data.
- InvoiceV4LineItem
- List of line item details.
- InvoiceV4LineItems
- List of line item details.
- InvoiceSplitterV1
- Inference prediction for Invoice Splitter, API version 1.
- InvoiceSplitterV1Document
- Document data for Invoice Splitter, API version 1.
- InvoiceSplitterV1PageGroup
- Pages indexes in a group for Invoice Splitter V1.
- MultiReceiptsDetectorV1
- Multi Receipts Detector API version 1 inference prediction.
- MultiReceiptsDetectorV1Document
- Multi Receipts Detector API version 1.1 document data.
- NutritionFactsLabelV1
- Nutrition Facts Label API version 1 inference prediction.
- NutritionFactsLabelV1AddedSugar
- The amount of added sugars in the product.
- NutritionFactsLabelV1Calorie
- The amount of calories in the product.
- NutritionFactsLabelV1Cholesterol
- The amount of cholesterol in the product.
- NutritionFactsLabelV1DietaryFiber
- The amount of dietary fiber in the product.
- NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
- Nutrition Facts Label API version 1.0 document data.
- NutritionFactsLabelV1Nutrient
- The amount of nutrients in the product.
- NutritionFactsLabelV1Nutrients
- The amount of nutrients in the product.
- NutritionFactsLabelV1Protein
- The amount of protein in the product.
- NutritionFactsLabelV1SaturatedFat
- The amount of saturated fat in the product.
- NutritionFactsLabelV1ServingSize
- The size of a single serving of the product.
- NutritionFactsLabelV1Sodium
- The amount of sodium in the product.
- NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalCarbohydrate
- The total amount of carbohydrates in the product.
- NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalFat
- The total amount of fat in the product.
- NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalSugar
- The total amount of sugars in the product.
- NutritionFactsLabelV1TransFat
- The amount of trans fat in the product.
- PassportV1
- Passport API version 1 inference prediction.
- PassportV1Document
- Passport API version 1.1 document data.
- ProofOfAddressV1
- Proof of Address API version 1 inference prediction.
- ProofOfAddressV1Document
- Proof of Address API version 1.1 document data.
- ReceiptV5
- Receipt API version 5 inference prediction.
- ReceiptV5Document
- Receipt API version 5.3 document data.
- ReceiptV5LineItem
- List of line item details.
- ReceiptV5LineItems
- List of line item details.
- ResumeV1
- Resume API version 1 inference prediction.
- ResumeV1Certificate
- The list of certificates obtained by the candidate.
- ResumeV1Certificates
- The list of certificates obtained by the candidate.
- ResumeV1Document
- Resume API version 1.2 document data.
- ResumeV1Education
- The list of the candidate's educational background.
- ResumeV1Educations
- The list of the candidate's educational background.
- ResumeV1Language
- The list of languages that the candidate is proficient in.
- ResumeV1Languages
- The list of languages that the candidate is proficient in.
- ResumeV1ProfessionalExperience
- The list of the candidate's professional experiences.
- ResumeV1ProfessionalExperiences
- The list of the candidate's professional experiences.
- ResumeV1SocialNetworksUrl
- The list of social network profiles of the candidate.
- ResumeV1SocialNetworksUrls
- The list of social network profiles of the candidate.
- BankCheckV1
- Bank Check API version 1 inference prediction.
- BankCheckV1Document
- Bank Check API version 1.1 document data.
- BankCheckV1Page
- Bank Check API version 1.1 page data.
- DriverLicenseV1
- Driver License API version 1 inference prediction.
- DriverLicenseV1Document
- Driver License API version 1.1 document data.
- DriverLicenseV1Page
- Driver License API version 1.1 page data.
- HealthcareCardV1
- Healthcare Card API version 1 inference prediction.
- HealthcareCardV1Copay
- Is a fixed amount for a covered service.
- HealthcareCardV1Copays
- Is a fixed amount for a covered service.
- HealthcareCardV1Document
- Healthcare Card API version 1.0 document data.
- UsMailV2
- US Mail API version 2 inference prediction.
- UsMailV2Document
- US Mail API version 2.0 document data.
- UsMailV2RecipientAddress
- The addresses of the recipients.
- UsMailV2RecipientAddresses
- The addresses of the recipients.
- UsMailV2SenderAddress
- The address of the sender.
- UsMailV3
- US Mail API version 3 inference prediction.
- UsMailV3Document
- US Mail API version 3.0 document data.
- UsMailV3RecipientAddress
- The addresses of the recipients.
- UsMailV3RecipientAddresses
- The addresses of the recipients.
- UsMailV3SenderAddress
- The address of the sender.
- W9V1
- W9 API version 1 inference prediction.
- W9V1Document
- W9 API version 1.0 document data.
- W9V1Page
- W9 API version 1.0 page data.
- FieldConfidenceMixin
- Trait to add position information.
- FieldPositionMixin
- Mixin trait to add position information.
- ALLOWED_MIME_TYPES = ['application/pdf', 'image/heic', 'image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/tiff', 'image/webp']
- List of allowed mime types for document parsing.
- Default key name for the API key entry in environment variables.
- Default URL prefix for API calls.
- Default key name for the Base URL in environment variables.
- Only keep the selected pages.
- Remove the selected pages.
- Default key name for CURL request timeout in environment variables.
- Default timeout value for curl requests.
- VERSION = '1.16.1'
- getUserAgent() : string
- Get the User Agent to send for API calls.
List of allowed mime types for document parsing.
= ['application/pdf', 'image/heic', 'image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/tiff', 'image/webp']
Default key name for the API key entry in environment variables.
Default URL prefix for API calls.
= ''
Default key name for the Base URL in environment variables.
Only keep the selected pages.
= 1.0
= 1.0
Remove the selected pages.
Default key name for CURL request timeout in environment variables.
Default timeout value for curl requests.
= 120
= '1.16.1'
Get the User Agent to send for API calls.
getUserAgent() : string