Carte Grise V1

Sample Code:

from mindee import Client, PredictResponse, product

# Init a new client
mindee_client = Client(api_key="my-api-key")

# Load a file from disk
input_doc = mindee_client.source_from_path("/path/to/the/file.ext")

# Load a file from disk and parse it.
# The endpoint name must be specified since it cannot be determined from the class.
result: PredictResponse = mindee_client.parse(, input_doc)

# Print a summary of the API result

# Print the document-level summary
# print(result.document.inference.prediction)
class CarteGriseV1(raw_prediction)

Carte Grise API version 1 inference prediction.


raw_prediction (Dict[str, Any]) –

static get_endpoint_info(klass)

Retrives the endpoint information for an Inference.

Should never retrieve info for CustomV1, as a custom endpoint should be created to use CustomV1.


klass (Type[Inference]) – product subclass to access endpoint information.

Return type:

Dict[str, str]

endpoint_name: Optional[str] = 'carte_grise'

Name of the endpoint.

endpoint_version: Optional[str] = '1'

Version of the endpoint.

is_rotation_applied: Optional[bool]

Whether the document has had any rotation applied to it.

page_id: Optional[int]

Optional page id for page-level predictions.

pages: List[Page[CarteGriseV1Document]]

Page-level prediction(s).

prediction: CarteGriseV1Document

Document-level prediction.

product: Product

Name and version of a given product, as sent back by the API.

class CarteGriseV1Document(raw_prediction, page_id=None)

Carte Grise API version 1.1 document data.

  • raw_prediction (Dict[str, Any]) –

  • page_id (Optional[int]) –

a: StringField

The vehicle’s license plate number.

b: DateField

The vehicle’s first release date.

c1: StringField

The vehicle owner’s full name including maiden name.

c3: StringField

The vehicle owner’s address.

c41: StringField

Number of owners of the license certificate.

c4a: StringField

Mentions about the ownership of the vehicle.

d1: StringField

The vehicle’s brand.

d3: StringField

The vehicle’s commercial name.

e: StringField

The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).

f1: StringField

The vehicle’s maximum admissible weight.

f2: StringField

The vehicle’s maximum admissible weight within the license’s state.

f3: StringField

The vehicle’s maximum authorized weight with coupling.

formula_number: StringField

The document’s formula number.

g: StringField

The vehicle’s weight with coupling if tractor different than category M1.

g1: StringField

The vehicle’s national empty weight.

i: DateField

The car registration date of the given certificate.

j: StringField

The vehicle’s category.

j1: StringField

The vehicle’s national type.

j2: StringField

The vehicle’s body type (CE).

j3: StringField

The vehicle’s body type (National designation).

mrz1: StringField

Machine Readable Zone, first line.

mrz2: StringField

Machine Readable Zone, second line.

owner_first_name: StringField

The vehicle’s owner first name.

owner_surname: StringField

The vehicle’s owner surname.

p1: StringField

The vehicle engine’s displacement (cm3).

p2: StringField

The vehicle’s maximum net power (kW).

p3: StringField

The vehicle’s fuel type or energy source.

p6: StringField

The vehicle’s administrative power (fiscal horsepower).

q: StringField

The vehicle’s power to weight ratio.

s1: StringField

The vehicle’s number of seats.

s2: StringField

The vehicle’s number of standing rooms (person).

u1: StringField

The vehicle’s sound level (dB).

u2: StringField

The vehicle engine’s rotation speed (RPM).

v7: StringField

The vehicle’s CO2 emission (g/km).

x1: StringField

Next technical control date.

y1: StringField

Amount of the regional proportional tax of the registration (in euros).

y2: StringField

Amount of the additional parafiscal tax of the registration (in euros).

y3: StringField

Amount of the additional CO2 tax of the registration (in euros).

y4: StringField

Amount of the fee for managing the registration (in euros).

y5: StringField

Amount of the fee for delivery of the registration certificate in euros.

y6: StringField

Total amount of registration fee to be paid in euros.