ApiRequest |
Information from Mindee about the api request.
ApiResponse |
Base class for all responses from the Mindee API.
AsyncPredictResponse<T extends Inference> |
Represent a `predict` response from Mindee API.
Cropper |
Cropping result.
Document<DocT extends Inference> |
Define the parsed document.
Error |
Error information from an API response.
ErrorDetails |
Represent error details.
ErrorDetailsDeserializer |
JSON deserializer for the error portion of the return.
Execution<DocT extends Inference> |
Representation of a workflow execution.
ExecutionFile |
Representation of a workflow execution's file data.
Extras |
Optional information.
FullTextOcr |
Full Text OCR result.
Inference<TPagePrediction,TDocumentPrediction extends Prediction> |
Common inference data.
InferenceExtras |
Inference-level optional info.
Job |
Job Details for enqueued jobs.
Orientation |
The orientation which was applied from the original page.
Page<TPagePrediction> |
Define a page in the parsed document.
Pages<TPagePrediction> |
List of all pages in the inference.
Prediction |
Base class for all predictions.
PredictResponse<T extends Inference> |
Represent a `predict` response from Mindee API.
Product |
The product on which the document was parsed.
WorkflowResponse<DocT extends Inference> |
Represents the server response after a document is sent to a workflow.
WorkflowResponse.Default |
Default product is GeneratedV1.