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a - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's license plate number.
accountHolderName - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV1Document
The name of the account holder as seen on the document.
accountHoldersNames - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Document
Full extraction of the account holders names.
accountName() - Method in annotation type com.mindee.http.CustomEndpointInfo
The name of the account that owns the API.
accountName() - Method in annotation type com.mindee.http.EndpointInfo
accountNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
The check payer's account number.
addedSugars - Variable in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of added sugars in the product.
addField(String, ListFieldValue) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.Line
addImageToPage(PDPageContentStream, PDImageXObject, PDRectangle) - Static method in class com.mindee.pdf.PDFUtils
address - Variable in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The address of the person.
address - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The physical address of the document holder.
address - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The location information of the candidate, including city, state, and country.
address1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The first line of the address of the passport holder.
address2 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The second line of the address of the passport holder.
address3 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The third line of the address of the passport holder.
alias(String) - Method in class com.mindee.WorkflowOptions.WorkflowOptionsBuilder
allWords(Boolean) - Method in class com.mindee.PredictOptions.PredictOptionsBuilder
alternateName - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The alternate name of the card holder.
amount - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
The amount of the check.
AmountField - Class in com.mindee.parsing.standard
Represent an amount.
AmountField(Double, Double, Polygon, Integer) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.standard.AmountField
Anchor - Class in com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems
An anchor column.
Anchor(String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.Anchor
Define an anchor with no tolerance.
Anchor(String, double) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.Anchor
Define an anchor with height tolerance.
ApiRequest - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Information from Mindee about the api request.
ApiRequest() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiRequest
ApiResponse - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Base class for all responses from the Mindee API.
ApiResponse() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiResponse
arrayToString(List<T>, int[]) - Static method in class com.mindee.parsing.SummaryHelper
arrayToString(List<T>, String) - Static method in class com.mindee.parsing.SummaryHelper
Given a list of fields, return a string.
asAmountField() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedFeature
Represent the feature as a standard AmountField.
asAmountField() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedObject
Represent the object as a standard AmountField.
asBooleanField() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedFeature
asBooleanField() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedObject
Represent the object as a standard BooleanField.
asClassificationField() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedFeature
Represent the feature as a standard ClassificationField.
asClassificationField() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedObject
Represent the object as a standard ClassificationField.
asDateField() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedFeature
Represent the feature as a standard DateField.
asDateField() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedObject
Represent the object as a standard DateField.
asInputSource() - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.ExtractedImage
Return the image in a format suitable for sending to MindeeClient for parsing.
asInputSource() - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.ExtractedPDF
Return the file in a format suitable for sending to MindeeClient for parsing.
asInputSource() - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.PdfPageImage
Return the image in a format suitable for sending to MindeeClient for parsing.
asStringField() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedFeature
Represent the feature as a standard StringField.
asStringField() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedObject
Represent the object as a standard StringField.
AsyncPollingOptions - Class in com.mindee
Options to pass for asynchronous parsing with polling.
AsyncPollingOptions.AsyncPollingOptionsBuilder - Class in com.mindee
AsyncPredictResponse<T extends Inference> - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Represent a `predict` response from Mindee API.
AsyncPredictResponse() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.AsyncPredictResponse
asyncUrlFromEndpoint(Function<Endpoint, String>) - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpApi.MindeeHttpApiBuilder
authority - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
The name of the issuing authority.
authority - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The name of the issuing authority.


b - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's first release date.
bankAccountDetails - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
Information about the employee's bank account.
bankAccountDetails - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
Information about the employee's bank account.
BankAccountDetailsV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails
Bank Account Details API version 1 inference prediction.
BankAccountDetailsV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV1
BankAccountDetailsV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails
Bank Account Details API version 1.0 document data.
BankAccountDetailsV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV1Document
BankAccountDetailsV2 - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails
Bank Account Details API version 2 inference prediction.
BankAccountDetailsV2() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2
BankAccountDetailsV2Bban - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails
Full extraction of BBAN, including: branch code, bank code, account and key.
BankAccountDetailsV2Bban() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Bban
BankAccountDetailsV2Document - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails
Bank Account Details API version 2.0 document data.
BankAccountDetailsV2Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Document
BankCheckV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck
Bank Check API version 1 inference prediction.
BankCheckV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1
BankCheckV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck
Bank Check API version 1.1 document data.
BankCheckV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
BankCheckV1Page - Class in com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck
Bank Check API version 1.1 page data.
BankCheckV1Page() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Page
BarcodeReaderV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.barcodereader
Barcode Reader API version 1 inference prediction.
BarcodeReaderV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.barcodereader.BarcodeReaderV1
BarcodeReaderV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.barcodereader
Barcode Reader API version 1.0 document data.
BarcodeReaderV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.barcodereader.BarcodeReaderV1Document
BaseField - Class in com.mindee.parsing.standard
Represent basics of a field.
BaseField() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.standard.BaseField
BaseField(Double, Polygon, Integer) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.standard.BaseField
bban - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Document
Full extraction of BBAN, including: branch code, bank code, account and key.
Bbox - Class in com.mindee.geometry
True representation of a mathematical bounding box.
Bbox(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class com.mindee.geometry.Bbox
The default constructor.
BboxUtils - Class in com.mindee.geometry
Methods for working with BBoxes.
billingAddress - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The customer's address used for billing.
billingAddress - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The customer billing address.
billOfLadingNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
A unique identifier assigned to a Bill of Lading document.
BillOfLadingV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.billoflading
Bill of Lading API version 1 inference prediction.
BillOfLadingV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1
BillOfLadingV1Carrier - Class in com.mindee.product.billoflading
The shipping company responsible for transporting the goods.
BillOfLadingV1Carrier() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Carrier
BillOfLadingV1CarrierItem - Class in com.mindee.product.billoflading
The goods being shipped.
BillOfLadingV1CarrierItem() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1CarrierItem
BillOfLadingV1Consignee - Class in com.mindee.product.billoflading
The party to whom the goods are being shipped.
BillOfLadingV1Consignee() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Consignee
BillOfLadingV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.billoflading
Bill of Lading API version 1.1 document data.
BillOfLadingV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
BillOfLadingV1NotifyParty - Class in com.mindee.product.billoflading
The party to be notified of the arrival of the goods.
BillOfLadingV1NotifyParty() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1NotifyParty
BillOfLadingV1Shipper - Class in com.mindee.product.billoflading
The party responsible for shipping the goods.
BillOfLadingV1Shipper() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Shipper
birthDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
The date of birth of the card holder.
birthDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The date of birth of the card holder.
birthDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The birth date of the passport holder, ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
birthDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The date of birth of the document holder.
birthDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The date of birth of the passport holder.
birthPlace - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
The place of birth of the card holder.
birthPlace - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The place of birth of the card holder.
birthPlace - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The birth place of the passport holder.
birthPlace - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The place of birth of the document holder.
birthPlace - Variable in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The place of birth of the passport holder.
BooleanField - Class in com.mindee.parsing.standard
Represent a date.
BooleanField(Boolean, Double, Polygon, Integer) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.standard.BooleanField
BoundingBoxUtils - Class in com.mindee.geometry
Methods for working with BoundingBoxes.
build() - Method in class com.mindee.AsyncPollingOptions.AsyncPollingOptionsBuilder
build() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Point.PointBuilder
build() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Polygon.PolygonBuilder
build() - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpApi.MindeeHttpApiBuilder
build() - Method in class com.mindee.http.RequestParameters.RequestParametersBuilder
build() - Method in class com.mindee.input.URLInputSource.Builder
build() - Method in class com.mindee.PredictOptions.PredictOptionsBuilder
build() - Method in class com.mindee.WorkflowOptions.WorkflowOptionsBuilder
builder() - Static method in class com.mindee.AsyncPollingOptions
builder() - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.Point
builder() - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.Polygon
builder() - Static method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpApi
builder() - Static method in class com.mindee.http.RequestParameters
builder() - Static method in class com.mindee.PredictOptions
builder() - Static method in class com.mindee.WorkflowOptions
builder(String) - Static method in class com.mindee.input.URLInputSource
Builder(String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.input.URLInputSource.Builder
BusinessCardV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.businesscard
Business Card API version 1 inference prediction.
BusinessCardV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1
BusinessCardV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.businesscard
Business Card API version 1.0 document data.
BusinessCardV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
byteArrayToBufferedImage(byte[]) - Static method in class com.mindee.extraction.PDFExtractor
Converts an array to a buffered image.


c1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle owner's full name including maiden name.
c3 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle owner's address.
c41 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Number of owners of the license certificate.
c4A - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Mentions about the ownership of the vehicle.
calculateNewDimensions(BufferedImage, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class com.mindee.image.ImageUtils
call() - Method in class com.mindee.CommandLineInterface.ProductCommandHandler
calories - Variable in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of calories in the product.
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiRequest
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiResponse
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.AsyncPredictResponse
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Cropper
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ExecutionFile
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Extras
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.FullTextOcr
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.InferenceExtras
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Job
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.Word
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Orientation
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.PredictResponse
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.WorkflowResponse
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ClassificationField
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListField
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListFieldValue
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.BaseField
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.barcodereader.BarcodeReaderV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.cropper.CropperV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.cropper.CropperV1Page
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.custom.CustomV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.custom.CustomV1Page
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard.HealthCardV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Page
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Page
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.generated.GeneratedV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter.InvoiceSplitterV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.multireceiptsdetector.MultiReceiptsDetectorV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Page
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2Document
canEqual(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3Document
cardAccessNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The card access number (CAN).
carrier - Variable in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The shipping company responsible for transporting the goods.
carrierItems - Variable in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The goods being shipped.
CarteGriseV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise
Carte Grise API version 1 inference prediction.
CarteGriseV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1
CarteGriseV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise
Carte Grise API version 1.1 document data.
CarteGriseV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
category - Variable in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The category or class of the driver license.
category - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The purchase category, only for receipts.
category - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The purchase category of the receipt.
certificates - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The list of certificates obtained by the candidate.
checkNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
The issuer's check number.
checkPosition - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Page
The position of the check on the document.
cholesterol - Variable in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of cholesterol in the product.
ClassificationField - Class in com.mindee.parsing.custom
A field holding a classification value.
ClassificationField - Class in com.mindee.parsing.standard
Represents a classifier value.
ClassificationField() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ClassificationField
ClassificationField(String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.standard.ClassificationField
cleanSummary(String) - Static method in class com.mindee.parsing.SummaryHelper
cleanup() - Method in class com.mindee.input.URLInputSource
codes1D - Variable in class com.mindee.product.barcodereader.BarcodeReaderV1Document
List of decoded 1D barcodes.
codes2D - Variable in class com.mindee.product.barcodereader.BarcodeReaderV1Document
List of decoded 2D barcodes.
com.mindee - package com.mindee
com.mindee.cli - package com.mindee.cli
com.mindee.extraction - package com.mindee.extraction
com.mindee.geometry - package com.mindee.geometry
com.mindee.http - package com.mindee.http
com.mindee.image - package com.mindee.image
com.mindee.input - package com.mindee.input
com.mindee.parsing - package com.mindee.parsing
com.mindee.parsing.common - package com.mindee.parsing.common
com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr - package com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr
com.mindee.parsing.custom - package com.mindee.parsing.custom
com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems - package com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems
com.mindee.parsing.generated - package com.mindee.parsing.generated
com.mindee.parsing.standard - package com.mindee.parsing.standard
com.mindee.pdf - package com.mindee.pdf
com.mindee.product.barcodereader - package com.mindee.product.barcodereader
com.mindee.product.billoflading - package com.mindee.product.billoflading
com.mindee.product.businesscard - package com.mindee.product.businesscard
com.mindee.product.cropper - package com.mindee.product.cropper
com.mindee.product.custom - package com.mindee.product.custom
com.mindee.product.deliverynote - package com.mindee.product.deliverynote
com.mindee.product.driverlicense - package com.mindee.product.driverlicense
com.mindee.product.financialdocument - package com.mindee.product.financialdocument
com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails - package com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails
com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise - package com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise
com.mindee.product.fr.energybill - package com.mindee.product.fr.energybill
com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard - package com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard
com.mindee.product.fr.idcard - package com.mindee.product.fr.idcard
com.mindee.product.fr.payslip - package com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
com.mindee.product.generated - package com.mindee.product.generated
com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport - package com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport
com.mindee.product.internationalid - package com.mindee.product.internationalid
com.mindee.product.invoice - package com.mindee.product.invoice
com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter - package com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter
com.mindee.product.multireceiptsdetector - package com.mindee.product.multireceiptsdetector
com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel - package com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel
com.mindee.product.passport - package com.mindee.product.passport
com.mindee.product.receipt - package com.mindee.product.receipt
com.mindee.product.resume - package com.mindee.product.resume
com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck - package com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck
com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard - package com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard
com.mindee.product.us.usmail - package com.mindee.product.us.usmail
combine(Polygon, Polygon) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.PolygonUtils
Merge the coordinates of the two polygons.
CommandLineInterface - Class in com.mindee
Command Line Interface for the Mindee client.
CommandLineInterface() - Constructor for class com.mindee.CommandLineInterface
CommandLineInterface.ProductCommandHandler - Class in com.mindee
Adds all commands from CommandLineInterfaceProducts automatically.
CommandLineInterfaceProducts - Class in com.mindee.cli
Product-wrapper class for CLI use.
CommandLineInterfaceProducts(ProductProcessor) - Constructor for class com.mindee.cli.CommandLineInterfaceProducts
company - Variable in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The company the person works for.
companyName - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The name of the company that provides the healthcare plan.
CompanyRegistrationField - Class in com.mindee.parsing.standard
Represent a company registration.
CompanyRegistrationField(String, String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.standard.CompanyRegistrationField
CompareOnX(Polygon, Polygon) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.PolygonUtils
Compare two polygons based on their X coordinates.
CompareOnY(Polygon, Polygon) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.PolygonUtils
Compare two polygons based on their Y coordinates.
compress() - Method in class com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource
compress(Integer) - Method in class com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource
compress(Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource
compress(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Method in class com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource
compress(Integer, Integer, Integer, Boolean) - Method in class com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource
compress(Integer, Integer, Integer, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource
compressImage(byte[]) - Static method in class com.mindee.image.ImageCompressor
compressImage(byte[], Integer) - Static method in class com.mindee.image.ImageCompressor
compressImage(byte[], Integer, Integer) - Static method in class com.mindee.image.ImageCompressor
compressImage(byte[], Integer, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class com.mindee.image.ImageCompressor
compressImage(BufferedImage, Integer, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class com.mindee.image.ImageCompressor
compressPdf(byte[]) - Static method in class com.mindee.pdf.PdfCompressor
compressPdf(byte[], Integer) - Static method in class com.mindee.pdf.PdfCompressor
compressPdf(byte[], Integer, Boolean) - Static method in class com.mindee.pdf.PdfCompressor
compressPdf(byte[], Integer, Boolean, Boolean) - Static method in class com.mindee.pdf.PdfCompressor
consignee - Variable in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The party to whom the goods are being shipped.
contractId - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The unique identifier associated with a specific contract.
coordinates(List<Point>) - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Polygon.PolygonBuilder
copays - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
Is a fixed amount for a covered service.
country - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code (3 letters format).
country - Variable in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The country's 3 letter code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
countryCode - Variable in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The alpha-3 ISO 3166 code of the country where the driver license was issued.
countryOfIssue - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The country where the document was issued.
createBoundingBoxFrom(Polygon) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.BoundingBoxUtils
createConnection(String) - Method in class com.mindee.input.URLInputSource
cropper(Boolean) - Method in class com.mindee.PredictOptions.PredictOptionsBuilder
Cropper - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Cropping result.
Cropper() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.Cropper
CropperV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.cropper
Cropper API version 1 inference prediction.
CropperV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.cropper.CropperV1
CropperV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.cropper
Cropper API version 1.1 document data.
CropperV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.cropper.CropperV1Document
CropperV1Page - Class in com.mindee.product.cropper
Cropper API version 1.1 page data.
CropperV1Page() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.cropper.CropperV1Page
cropping - Variable in class com.mindee.product.cropper.CropperV1Page
List of documents found in the image.
CustomEndpointInfo - Annotation Type in com.mindee.http
Endpoint settings for custom documents.
customerAddress - Variable in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
The address of the customer receiving the goods.
customerAddress - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The address of the customer.
customerAddress - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The address of the customer.
customerCompanyRegistrations - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
List of company registration numbers associated to the customer.
customerCompanyRegistrations - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
List of company registration numbers associated to the customer.
customerId - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The customer account number or identifier from the supplier.
customerId - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The customer account number or identifier from the supplier.
customerName - Variable in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
The name of the customer receiving the goods.
customerName - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The name of the customer.
customerName - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The name of the customer or client.
CustomV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.custom
Define a simple model to encapsulate data from a custom API builder model.
CustomV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.custom.CustomV1
CustomV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.custom
Document data for custom documents, API version 1.x.
CustomV1Document(Map<String, ClassificationField>, Map<String, ListField>) - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.custom.CustomV1Document
CustomV1DocumentPredictionDeserializer - Class in com.mindee.parsing.custom
JSON deserializer for custom documents v1.x.
CustomV1DocumentPredictionDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.custom.CustomV1DocumentPredictionDeserializer
CustomV1DocumentPredictionDeserializer(Class<?>) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.custom.CustomV1DocumentPredictionDeserializer
CustomV1Page - Class in com.mindee.product.custom
Page data for custom documents, API version 1.x.
CustomV1Page() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.custom.CustomV1Page


d1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's brand.
d3 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's commercial name.
date - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The date the purchase was made.
date - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The date the purchase was made.
date - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The date the purchase was made.
date - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
The date the check was issued.
DateField - Class in com.mindee.parsing.standard
Represent a date.
DateField(LocalDate, Double, Polygon, Integer, Boolean) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.standard.DateField
dateOfBirth - Variable in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The date of birth of the driver license holder.
dateOfIssue - Variable in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The date when the bill of lading is issued.
ddNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The DD number of the driver license.
Default() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.WorkflowResponse.Default
deliveryDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
The date on which the delivery is scheduled to arrive.
DeliveryNoteV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.deliverynote
Delivery note API version 1 inference prediction.
DeliveryNoteV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1
DeliveryNoteV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.deliverynote
Delivery note API version 1.2 document data.
DeliveryNoteV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
deliveryNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
A unique identifier for the delivery note.
deliveryPoint - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The unique identifier assigned to each electricity or gas consumption point.
departureDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The date when the vessel departs from the port of loading.
dependents - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The list of dependents covered by the healthcare plan.
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.PolygonDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ErrorDetailsDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.CustomV1DocumentPredictionDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedV1PredictionDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.TaxesDeserializer
dietaryFiber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of dietary fiber in the product.
Dimensions(Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class com.mindee.image.ImageUtils.Dimensions
Document<DocT extends Inference> - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Define the parsed document.
Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.Document
documentLanguage - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The ISO 639 code of the language in which the document is written.
documentNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The document number or identifier (invoice number or receipt number).
documentNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The document number.
documentNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The unique identifier assigned to the document.
documentQueueGet(Class<DocT>, Endpoint, String) - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeApi
Get a document from the predict queue.
documentQueueGet(Class<DocT>, Endpoint, String) - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpApi
GET job status and document for an enqueued job
documentSide - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Page
The side of the document which is visible.
documentSide - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Page
The sides of the document which are visible.
documentToBytes(PDDocument) - Static method in class com.mindee.pdf.PDFUtils
documentType - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The type of the document: INVOICE or CREDIT NOTE if it is an invoice, CREDIT CARD RECEIPT or EXPENSE RECEIPT if it is a receipt.
documentType - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Page
The document type or format.
documentType - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The type of personal identification document.
documentType - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
Document type: INVOICE or CREDIT NOTE.
documentType - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
documentType - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The type of the document sent.
documentUrlFromEndpoint(Function<Endpoint, String>) - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpApi.MindeeHttpApiBuilder
DriverLicenseV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.driverlicense
Driver License API version 1 inference prediction.
DriverLicenseV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1
DriverLicenseV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.driverlicense
Driver License API version 1.0 document data.
DriverLicenseV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
dueDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The date on which the payment is due.
dueDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The date by which the payment for the energy invoice is due.
dueDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The date on which the payment is due.


e - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
education - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The list of the candidate's educational background.
email - Variable in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The email address of the person.
emailAddress - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The email address of the candidate.
employee - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
Information about the employee.
employee - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
Information about the employee.
employer - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
Information about the employer.
employer - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
Information about the employer.
employment - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
Information about the employment.
employment - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
Information about the employment.
encodeToJpegByteArray(BufferedImage, float) - Static method in class com.mindee.image.ImageCompressor
Endpoint - Class in com.mindee.http
Endpoint for custom documents.
Endpoint(Class<DocT>) - Constructor for class com.mindee.http.Endpoint
Endpoint(String, String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.http.Endpoint
Endpoint(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.http.Endpoint
EndpointInfo - Annotation Type in com.mindee.http
Base info for all endpoints.
endpointName() - Method in annotation type com.mindee.http.CustomEndpointInfo
The name of the product associated to the expected model.
endpointName() - Method in annotation type com.mindee.http.EndpointInfo
EnergyBillV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.energybill
Energy Bill API version 1 inference prediction.
EnergyBillV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1
EnergyBillV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.energybill
Energy Bill API version 1.2 document data.
EnergyBillV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
EnergyBillV1EnergyConsumer - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.energybill
The entity that consumes the energy.
EnergyBillV1EnergyConsumer() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyConsumer
EnergyBillV1EnergySupplier - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.energybill
The company that supplies the energy.
EnergyBillV1EnergySupplier() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergySupplier
EnergyBillV1EnergyUsage - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.energybill
Details of energy consumption.
EnergyBillV1EnergyUsage() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyUsage
EnergyBillV1MeterDetail - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.energybill
Information about the energy meter.
EnergyBillV1MeterDetail() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1MeterDetail
EnergyBillV1Subscription - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.energybill
The subscription details fee for the energy service.
EnergyBillV1Subscription() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Subscription
EnergyBillV1TaxesAndContribution - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.energybill
Details of Taxes and Contributions.
EnergyBillV1TaxesAndContribution() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1TaxesAndContribution
energyConsumer - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The entity that consumes the energy.
energySupplier - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The company that supplies the energy.
energyUsage - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
Details of energy consumption.
enqueue(Class<T>, Endpoint, LocalInputSource) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a Generated prediction async API queue.
enqueue(Class<T>, Endpoint, LocalInputSource, PredictOptions, PageOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a Generated prediction async API queue.
enqueue(Class<T>, Endpoint, URL) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a remote file to a Generated prediction async API queue.
enqueue(Class<T>, Endpoint, URL, PredictOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a remote file to a Generated prediction async API queue.
enqueue(Class<T>, LocalInputSource) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to an async queue.
enqueue(Class<T>, LocalInputSource, PredictOptions, PageOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to an async queue.
enqueue(Class<T>, URL) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a remote file to an async queue.
enqueue(Class<T>, URL, PredictOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a remote file to an async queue.
enqueueAndParse(Class<T>, Endpoint, LocalInputSource) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a Generated prediction API async queue, poll, and parse when complete.
enqueueAndParse(Class<T>, Endpoint, LocalInputSource, AsyncPollingOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a Generated prediction API async queue, poll, and parse when complete.
enqueueAndParse(Class<T>, Endpoint, LocalInputSource, PredictOptions, PageOptions, AsyncPollingOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a Generated prediction API async queue, poll, and parse when complete.
enqueueAndParse(Class<T>, Endpoint, URL) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a remote file to a Generated prediction API async queue, poll, and parse when complete.
enqueueAndParse(Class<T>, LocalInputSource) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to an async queue, poll, and parse when complete.
enqueueAndParse(Class<T>, LocalInputSource, AsyncPollingOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to an async queue, poll, and parse when complete.
enqueueAndParse(Class<T>, LocalInputSource, PredictOptions, PageOptions, AsyncPollingOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to an async queue, poll, and parse when complete.
enqueueAndParse(Class<T>, URL) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a remote file to an async queue, poll, and parse when complete.
enrollmentDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The date when the member enrolled in the healthcare plan.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.AsyncPollingOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Point
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Polygon
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.http.RequestParameters
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.input.PageOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiRequest
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.AsyncPredictResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Cropper
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ExecutionFile
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Extras
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.FullTextOcr
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.InferenceExtras
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Job
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.Word
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Orientation
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.PredictResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.WorkflowResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ClassificationField
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListField
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListFieldValue
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.BaseField
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.SplitPdf
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.SplitQuery
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.PredictOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.barcodereader.BarcodeReaderV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.cropper.CropperV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.cropper.CropperV1Page
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.custom.CustomV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.custom.CustomV1Page
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard.HealthCardV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Page
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Page
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.generated.GeneratedV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter.InvoiceSplitterV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.multireceiptsdetector.MultiReceiptsDetectorV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Page
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3Document
equals(Object) - Method in class com.mindee.WorkflowOptions
Error - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Error information from an API response.
Error() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.Error
ErrorDetails - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Represent error details.
ErrorDetails(String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.ErrorDetails
ErrorDetailsDeserializer - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
JSON deserializer for the error portion of the return.
ErrorDetailsDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.ErrorDetailsDeserializer
ErrorDetailsDeserializer(Class<?>) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.ErrorDetailsDeserializer
executeWorkflow(String, LocalInputSource) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a workflow execution.
executeWorkflow(String, LocalInputSource, WorkflowOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a workflow execution.
executeWorkflowPost(Class<DocT>, String, RequestParameters) - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeApi
executeWorkflowPost(Class<DocT>, String, RequestParameters) - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpApi
POST a prediction request for a workflow response.
Execution<DocT extends Inference> - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Representation of a workflow execution.
Execution() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
Execution(String, LocalDateTime, ExecutionFile, String, DocT, String, LocalDateTime, LocalDateTime, GeneratedV1Document, String, String, LocalDateTime, String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
ExecutionFile - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Representation of a workflow execution's file data.
ExecutionFile() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.ExecutionFile
ExecutionFile(String, String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.ExecutionFile
ExecutionPriority - Enum in com.mindee.parsing.common
Execution priority for a workflow.
expiryDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The expiry date of the driver license.
expiryDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
The expiry date of the identification card.
expiryDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The expiry date of the identification card.
expiryDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The date when the passport will expire, ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
expiryDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The date when the document becomes invalid.
expiryDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The expiry date of the passport.
extractAndAddText(PDDocument, PDPageContentStream, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.mindee.pdf.PDFUtils
ExtractedImage - Class in com.mindee.extraction
An extracted sub-image.
ExtractedImage(BufferedImage, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.extraction.ExtractedImage
ExtractedPDF - Class in com.mindee.extraction
An extracted sub-PDF.
ExtractedPDF(PDDocument, String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.extraction.ExtractedPDF
extractImage(FieldT, int, int) - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.ImageExtractor
Extract a single image from a field having position data.
extractImage(FieldT, int, int, String) - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.ImageExtractor
Extract a single image from a field having position data.
extractImagesFromPage(List<FieldT>, int) - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.ImageExtractor
Extract multiple images on a given page from a list of fields having position data.
extractImagesFromPage(List<FieldT>, int, String) - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.ImageExtractor
Extract multiple images on a given page from a list of fields having position data.
extractInvoices(List<InvoiceSplitterV1InvoicePageGroup>) - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.PDFExtractor
Extract invoices from the given page indexes (from an invoice-splitter prediction).
extractInvoices(List<InvoiceSplitterV1InvoicePageGroup>, boolean) - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.PDFExtractor
Extract invoices from the given page indexes (from an invoice-splitter prediction).
extractSubDocuments(List<List<Integer>>) - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.PDFExtractor
Given a list of page indexes, extracts the corresponding documents.
Extras - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Optional information.
Extras() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.Extras


f1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's maximum admissible weight.
f2 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's maximum admissible weight within the license's state.
f3 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's maximum authorized weight with coupling.
faxNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The Fax number of the person.
fetchFile() - Method in class com.mindee.input.URLInputSource
Fetches the file from a remote source.
file(byte[]) - Method in class com.mindee.http.RequestParameters.RequestParametersBuilder
fileName(String) - Method in class com.mindee.http.RequestParameters.RequestParametersBuilder
fileNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The file number of the passport document.
FinancialDocumentV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.financialdocument
Financial Document API version 1 inference prediction.
FinancialDocumentV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1
FinancialDocumentV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.financialdocument
Financial Document API version 1.11 document data.
FinancialDocumentV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
FinancialDocumentV1LineItem - Class in com.mindee.product.financialdocument
List of line item present on the document.
FinancialDocumentV1LineItem() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1LineItem
firstname - Variable in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The given name of the person.
firstName - Variable in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The first name of the driver license holder.
formatAmount(Double) - Static method in class com.mindee.parsing.SummaryHelper
formatForDisplay(Boolean, Integer) - Static method in class com.mindee.parsing.SummaryHelper
Truncates a boolean string if it's too long for the requested width.
formatForDisplay(String, Integer) - Static method in class com.mindee.parsing.SummaryHelper
Truncates a string if it's too long for the requested width.
formatString(String) - Static method in class com.mindee.parsing.SummaryHelper
formulaNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The document's formula number.
fullText(Boolean) - Method in class com.mindee.PredictOptions.PredictOptionsBuilder
fullText(Boolean) - Method in class com.mindee.WorkflowOptions.WorkflowOptionsBuilder
FullTextOcr - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Full Text OCR result.
FullTextOcr() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.FullTextOcr


g - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's weight with coupling if tractor different than category M1.
g1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's national empty weight.
gender - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
The gender of the card holder.
gender - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The gender of the card holder.
gender - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The gender of the passport holder.
gender - Variable in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The gender of the passport holder.
generate(Polygon) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.BboxUtils
Generate a BBox from a single Polygon.
generate(List<Polygon>) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.BboxUtils
Generate a BBox from a list of Polygons.
generate(List<String>, Map<String, ListField>, Anchor) - Static method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.LineItemsGenerator
Generate line items.
generate(List<String>, Map<String, ListField>, List<Anchor>) - Static method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.LineItemsGenerator
Generate line items.
GeneratedFeature - Class in com.mindee.parsing.generated
A generic feature which can represent any OTS Mindee return prediction.
GeneratedFeature(boolean) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedFeature
Whether the original feature is a list.
GeneratedObject - Class in com.mindee.parsing.generated
An object within a feature.
GeneratedObject() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedObject
GeneratedV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.generated
Define a simple model to encapsulate data from any API.
GeneratedV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.generated.GeneratedV1
GeneratedV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.generated
Document data for generated documents.
GeneratedV1Document(Map<String, GeneratedFeature>) - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.generated.GeneratedV1Document
GeneratedV1PredictionDeserializer - Class in com.mindee.parsing.generated
JSON deserializer for generated documents v1.x.
GeneratedV1PredictionDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedV1PredictionDeserializer
GeneratedV1PredictionDeserializer(Class<?>) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedV1PredictionDeserializer
getA() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's license plate number.
getAccountHolderName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV1Document
The name of the account holder as seen on the document.
getAccountHoldersNames() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Document
Full extraction of the account holders names.
getAccountName() - Method in class com.mindee.http.Endpoint
The name of the account that owns the API.
getAccountNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.PaymentDetailsField
The account number.
getAccountNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
The check payer's account number.
getAccrued() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PaidTimeOff
The amount of paid time off accrued in the period.
getAccruedThisPeriod() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Pto
The amount of paid time off accrued in this period.
getAddedSugars() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of added sugars in the product.
getAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Consignee
The address of the consignee.
getAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1NotifyParty
The address of the notify party.
getAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Shipper
The address of the shipper.
getAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The address of the person.
getAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyConsumer
The address of the energy consumer.
getAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergySupplier
The address of the energy supplier.
getAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employee
The address of the employee.
getAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employer
The address of the employer.
getAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employee
The address of the employee.
getAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employer
The address of the employer.
getAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The physical address of the document holder.
getAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The location information of the candidate, including city, state, and country.
getAddress1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The first line of the address of the passport holder.
getAddress2() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The second line of the address of the passport holder.
getAddress3() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The third line of the address of the passport holder.
getAlias() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ExecutionFile
Optional alias for the file.
getAlias() - Method in class com.mindee.WorkflowOptions
Alias to give to the file.
getAllLines() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.OcrPage
All the words on the page, ordered in lines.
getAllWords() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.OcrPage
All the words on the page, in semi-random order.
getAllWords() - Method in class com.mindee.PredictOptions
Whether to include the full text for each page.
getAlternateName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The alternate name of the card holder.
getAmount() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2SalaryDetail
The amount of the earnings.
getAmount() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3SalaryDetail
The amount of the earning.
getAmount() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1ServingSize
The amount of a single serving.
getAmount() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
The amount of the check.
getAnchor() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.PreparedLines
getApiKey() - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeSettings
getApiRequest() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiResponse
Information from Mindee about the api request.
getAsBbox() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Polygon
Get the polygon as a Bbox.
getAsPolygon() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Bbox
Get the Bbox as a Polygon.
getAsPolygon(String) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedObject
Get the specified key as a Polygon object.
getAuthority() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
The name of the issuing authority.
getAuthority() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The name of the issuing authority.
getAvailableAt() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
The time at which the file was uploaded to a workflow.
getAvailableAt() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Job
The time at which the job finished.
getB() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's first release date.
getBalanceEndOfPeriod() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Pto
The balance of paid time off at the end of the period.
getBankAccountDetails() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
Information about the employee's bank account.
getBankAccountDetails() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
Information about the employee's bank account.
getBankName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2BankAccountDetail
The name of the bank.
getBankName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3BankAccountDetail
The name of the bank.
getBase() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.TaxField
The tax base.
getBase() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2SalaryDetail
The base value of the earnings.
getBase() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3SalaryDetail
The base rate value of the earning.
getBaseUrl() - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeSettings
getBatchName() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
Identifier for the batch to which the execution belongs.
getBban() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Document
Full extraction of BBAN, including: branch code, bank code, account and key.
getBbanBankCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Bban
The BBAN bank code outputted as a string.
getBbanBranchCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Bban
The BBAN branch code outputted as a string.
getBbanKey() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Bban
The BBAN key outputted as a string.
getBbanNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Bban
The BBAN Account number outputted as a string.
getBbox() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.Line
getBillingAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The customer's address used for billing.
getBillingAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The customer billing address.
getBillOfLadingNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
A unique identifier assigned to a Bill of Lading document.
getBirthDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
The date of birth of the card holder.
getBirthDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The date of birth of the card holder.
getBirthDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The birth date of the passport holder, ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
getBirthDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The date of birth of the document holder.
getBirthDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The date of birth of the passport holder.
getBirthPlace() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
The place of birth of the card holder.
getBirthPlace() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The place of birth of the card holder.
getBirthPlace() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The birth place of the passport holder.
getBirthPlace() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The place of birth of the document holder.
getBirthPlace() - Method in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The place of birth of the passport holder.
getBoundingBox() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.BaseField
The bounding box equivalent of the polygon.
getBoundingBox() - Method in interface com.mindee.parsing.standard.PositionData
getBoundingBox() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.PositionField
Straight rectangle.
getC1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle owner's full name including maiden name.
getC3() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle owner's address.
getC41() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Number of owners of the license certificate.
getC4A() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Mentions about the ownership of the vehicle.
getCalories() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of calories in the product.
getCardAccessNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The card access number (CAN).
getCarrier() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The shipping company responsible for transporting the goods.
getCarrierItems() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The goods being shipped.
getCategory() - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The category or class of the driver license.
getCategory() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The purchase category, only for receipts.
getCategory() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employment
The category of the employment.
getCategory() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employment
The category of the employment.
getCategory() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The purchase category of the receipt.
getCentroid() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Polygon
Get the central coordinates (centroid) of the Polygon.
getCentroid(List<Point>) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.PolygonUtils
Get the central coordinates (centroid) of a list of Points.
getCertificates() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The list of certificates obtained by the candidate.
getCheckNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
The issuer's check number.
getCheckPosition() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Page
The position of the check on the document.
getCholesterol() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of cholesterol in the product.
getCity() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2RecipientAddress
The city of the recipient's address.
getCity() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2SenderAddress
The city of the sender's address.
getCity() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3RecipientAddress
The city of the recipient's address.
getCity() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3SenderAddress
The city of the sender's address.
getClassificationFields() - Method in class com.mindee.product.custom.CustomV1Document
Classification fields.
getCode() - Method in exception com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpException
Error code (not HTTP code).
getCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Error
A code to identify it.
getCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.TaxField
The tax code.
getCodes1D() - Method in class com.mindee.product.barcodereader.BarcodeReaderV1Document
List of decoded 1D barcodes.
getCodes2D() - Method in class com.mindee.product.barcodereader.BarcodeReaderV1Document
List of decoded 2D barcodes.
getCoefficient() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employment
The coefficient of the employment.
getCoefficient() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employment
The coefficient of the employment.
getCollectiveAgreement() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employment
The collective agreement of the employment.
getCollectiveAgreement() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employment
The collective agreement of the employment.
getCompany() - Method in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The company the person works for.
getCompanyId() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employer
The company ID of the employer.
getCompanyId() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employer
The company ID of the employer.
getCompanyName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The name of the company that provides the healthcare plan.
getCompanySite() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employer
The site of the company.
getCompanySite() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employer
The site of the company.
getComplete() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2RecipientAddress
The complete address of the recipient.
getComplete() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2SenderAddress
The complete address of the sender.
getComplete() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3RecipientAddress
The complete address of the recipient.
getComplete() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3SenderAddress
The complete address of the sender.
getConfidence() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.Word
The confidence about the zone of the value extracted.
getConfidence() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ClassificationField
The confidence about the zone of the value extracted.
getConfidence() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListField
The confidence about the zone of the value extracted.
getConfidence() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListFieldValue
The confidence about the zone of the value extracted.
getConfidence() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedObject
Get the confidence score, if present.
getConfidence() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.BaseField
The confidence about the zone of the value extracted.
getConsignee() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The party to whom the goods are being shipped.
getConsumption() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyUsage
The price per unit of energy consumed.
getContent() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.FullTextOcr
List of positions within the image.
getContent() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListFieldValue
The content of the value.
getContentsList() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListField
Get all the value contents.
getContentsString(String) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListField
Get all the joined value contents.
getContractId() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The unique identifier associated with a specific contract.
getContractType() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1ProfessionalExperience
The type of contract for the professional experience.
getCoordinates() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Polygon
getCopays() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
Is a fixed amount for a covered service.
getCountry() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.LocaleField
The country which has been detected.
getCountry() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code (3 letters format).
getCountry() - Method in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The country's 3 letter code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3).
getCountryCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The alpha-3 ISO 3166 code of the country where the driver license was issued.
getCountryOfIssue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The country where the document was issued.
getCreatedAt() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
The time at which the execution started.
getCropper() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Extras
Cropping result.
getCropper() - Method in class com.mindee.PredictOptions
Whether to include cropper results for each page.
getCropping() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Cropper
List of positions within the image.
getCropping() - Method in class com.mindee.product.cropper.CropperV1Page
List of documents found in the image.
getCurrency() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.LocaleField
The currency which has been detected.
getCustomerAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
The address of the customer receiving the goods.
getCustomerAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The address of the customer.
getCustomerAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The address of the customer.
getCustomerCompanyRegistrations() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
List of company registration numbers associated to the customer.
getCustomerCompanyRegistrations() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
List of company registration numbers associated to the customer.
getCustomerId() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The customer account number or identifier from the supplier.
getCustomerId() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The customer account number or identifier from the supplier.
getCustomerName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
The name of the customer receiving the goods.
getCustomerName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The name of the customer.
getCustomerName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The name of the customer or client.
getD1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's brand.
getD3() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's commercial name.
getDailyValue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1AddedSugar
DVs are the recommended amounts of added sugars to consume or not to exceed each day.
getDailyValue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Calorie
DVs are the recommended amounts of calories to consume or not to exceed each day.
getDailyValue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Cholesterol
DVs are the recommended amounts of cholesterol to consume or not to exceed each day.
getDailyValue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1DietaryFiber
DVs are the recommended amounts of dietary fiber to consume or not to exceed each day.
getDailyValue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Nutrient
DVs are the recommended amounts of nutrients to consume or not to exceed each day.
getDailyValue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Protein
DVs are the recommended amounts of protein to consume or not to exceed each day.
getDailyValue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1SaturatedFat
DVs are the recommended amounts of saturated fat to consume or not to exceed each day.
getDailyValue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Sodium
DVs are the recommended amounts of sodium to consume or not to exceed each day.
getDailyValue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalCarbohydrate
DVs are the recommended amounts of total carbohydrates to consume or not to exceed each day.
getDailyValue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalFat
DVs are the recommended amounts of total fat to consume or not to exceed each day.
getDailyValue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalSugar
DVs are the recommended amounts of total sugars to consume or not to exceed each day.
getDailyValue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TransFat
DVs are the recommended amounts of trans fat to consume or not to exceed each day.
getDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The date the purchase was made.
getDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The date the purchase was made.
getDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The date the purchase was made.
getDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
The date the check was issued.
getDateOfBirth() - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The date of birth of the driver license holder.
getDateOfBirth() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employee
The date of birth of the employee.
getDateOfBirth() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employee
The date of birth of the employee.
getDateOfIssue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The date when the bill of lading is issued.
getDdNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The DD number of the driver license.
getDefaultPageOptions() - Method in class com.mindee.CommandLineInterface
getDegreeDomain() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Education
The area of study or specialization.
getDegreeType() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Education
The type of degree obtained, such as Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctorate.
getDeliveryDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
The date on which the delivery is scheduled to arrive.
getDeliveryNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
A unique identifier for the delivery note.
getDeliveryPoint() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The unique identifier assigned to each electricity or gas consumption point.
getDepartment() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1ProfessionalExperience
The specific department or division within the company.
getDepartureDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The date when the vessel departs from the port of loading.
getDependents() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The list of dependents covered by the healthcare plan.
getDescription() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1CarrierItem
A description of the item.
getDescription() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1LineItem
The item description.
getDescription() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyUsage
Description or details of the energy usage.
getDescription() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Subscription
Description or details of the subscription.
getDescription() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1TaxesAndContribution
Description or details of the Taxes and Contributions.
getDescription() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2SalaryDetail
The description of the earnings.
getDescription() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3SalaryDetail
The description of the earnings.
getDescription() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4LineItem
The item description.
getDescription() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5LineItem
The item description.
getDescription() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1ProfessionalExperience
The description of the professional experience as written in the document.
getDetails() - Method in exception com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpException
Error details.
getDetails() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Error
Details about it.
getDietaryFiber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of dietary fiber in the product.
getDocument() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.AsyncPredictResponse
Get the document optional.
getDocument() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.PredictResponse
Set the prediction model used to parse the document.
getDocumentLanguage() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The ISO 639 code of the language in which the document is written.
getDocumentNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The document number or identifier (invoice number or receipt number).
getDocumentNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The document number.
getDocumentNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The unique identifier assigned to the document.
getDocumentObj() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.AsyncPredictResponse
Get the document object if it is present.
getDocumentSide() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Page
The side of the document which is visible.
getDocumentSide() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Page
The sides of the document which are visible.
getDocumentType() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The type of the document: INVOICE or CREDIT NOTE if it is an invoice, CREDIT CARD RECEIPT or EXPENSE RECEIPT if it is a receipt.
getDocumentType() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Page
The document type or format.
getDocumentType() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The type of personal identification document.
getDocumentType() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
Document type: INVOICE or CREDIT NOTE.
getDocumentType() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
getDocumentType() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The type of the document sent.
getDueDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The date on which the payment is due.
getDueDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The date by which the payment for the energy invoice is due.
getDueDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The date on which the payment is due.
getE() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
getEducation() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The list of the candidate's educational background.
getEmail() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Consignee
The email of the shipper.
getEmail() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1NotifyParty
The email of the shipper.
getEmail() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Shipper
The email of the shipper.
getEmail() - Method in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The email address of the person.
getEmailAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The email address of the candidate.
getEmployee() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
Information about the employee.
getEmployee() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
Information about the employee.
getEmployer() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
Information about the employer.
getEmployer() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
Information about the employer.
getEmployer() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1ProfessionalExperience
The name of the company or organization.
getEmployment() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
Information about the employment.
getEmployment() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
Information about the employment.
getEndDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyUsage
The end date of the energy usage.
getEndDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Subscription
The end date of the subscription.
getEndDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1TaxesAndContribution
The end date of the Taxes and Contributions.
getEndDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayPeriod
The end date of the pay period.
getEndDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayPeriod
The end date of the pay period.
getEndMonth() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Education
The month when the education program or course was completed.
getEndMonth() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1ProfessionalExperience
The month when the professional experience ended.
getEndpointName() - Method in class com.mindee.http.Endpoint
The name of the product associated to the expected model.
getEndYear() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Education
The year when the education program or course was completed.
getEndYear() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1ProfessionalExperience
The year when the professional experience ended.
getEnergyConsumer() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The entity that consumes the energy.
getEnergySupplier() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The company that supplies the energy.
getEnergyUsage() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
Details of energy consumption.
getEnrollmentDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The date when the member enrolled in the healthcare plan.
getError() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiRequest
Information about an error that occurred during the API request.
getError() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Job
Information about an error that occurred during the job processing.
getExecution() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.WorkflowResponse
Set the prediction model used to parse the document.
getExpiryDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The expiry date of the driver license.
getExpiryDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
The expiry date of the identification card.
getExpiryDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The expiry date of the identification card.
getExpiryDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The date when the passport will expire, ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
getExpiryDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The date when the document becomes invalid.
getExpiryDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The expiry date of the passport.
getExtras() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Inference
getExtras() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Page
Optional information.
getF1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's maximum admissible weight.
getF2() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's maximum admissible weight within the license's state.
getF3() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's maximum authorized weight with coupling.
getFaxNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The Fax number of the person.
getFields() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.Line
getFields() - Method in class com.mindee.product.custom.CustomV1Document
Fields that are not classifications.
getFields() - Method in class com.mindee.product.generated.GeneratedV1Document
Hashmap containing the fields of the document.
getFile() - Method in class com.mindee.http.RequestParameters
getFile() - Method in class com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource
getFile() - Method in class com.mindee.input.LocalResponse
getFile() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
File representation within a workflow execution.
getFile() - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.SplitPdf
The file.
getFile() - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.SplitQuery
The file.
getFileExtension(String) - Static method in class com.mindee.input.InputSourceUtils
Returns the file's extension.
getFilename() - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.ExtractedImage
getFilename() - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.ExtractedPDF
getFilename() - Method in class com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource
getFilename() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Document
The original file name of the parsed document.
getFilename() - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.PdfPageImage
getFileName() - Method in class com.mindee.http.RequestParameters
getFileNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The file number of the passport document.
getFileUrl() - Method in class com.mindee.http.RequestParameters
getFirstname() - Method in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The given name of the person.
getFirstName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The first name of the driver license holder.
getFirstName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employee
The first name of the employee.
getFirstName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employee
The first name of the employee.
getFormulaNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The document's formula number.
getFrom(List<List<Double>>) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.PolygonUtils
Create a Polygon from a list of a list of floats.
getFullText() - Method in class com.mindee.PredictOptions
Whether to include the full text data for async APIs.
getFullText() - Method in class com.mindee.WorkflowOptions
Whether to include the full text data for async APIs.
getFullTextOcr() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Extras
Full Text OCR result.
getFullTextOcr() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.InferenceExtras
Full Text OCR result.
getG() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's weight with coupling if tractor different than category M1.
getG1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's national empty weight.
getGender() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
The gender of the card holder.
getGender() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The gender of the card holder.
getGender() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The gender of the passport holder.
getGender() - Method in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The gender of the passport holder.
getGivenNames() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard.HealthCardV1Document
The given names of the card holder.
getGivenNames() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
The given name(s) of the card holder.
getGivenNames() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The given name(s) of the card holder.
getGivenNames() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The given names of the passport holder.
getGivenNames() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The list of the document holder's given names.
getGivenNames() - Method in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The given name(s) of the passport holder.
getGivenNames() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The candidate's first or given names.
getGrade() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Certificate
The grade obtained for the certificate.
getGrossSalary() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayDetail
The gross salary of the employee.
getGrossSalary() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayDetail
The gross salary of the employee.
getGrossSalaryYtd() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayDetail
The year-to-date gross salary of the employee.
getGrossSalaryYtd() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayDetail
The year-to-date gross salary of the employee.
getGrossWeight() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1CarrierItem
The gross weight of the item.
getGroupNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The group number associated with the healthcare plan.
getHardSkills() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The list of the candidate's technical abilities and knowledge.
getHeightTolerance() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.Line
getHmacSignature(String) - Method in class com.mindee.input.LocalResponse
Get the HMAC signature of the payload.
getI() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The car registration date of the given certificate.
getIban() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.PaymentDetailsField
The full IBAN.
getIban() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV1Document
The International Bank Account Number (IBAN).
getIban() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Document
Full extraction of the IBAN number.
getIban() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2BankAccountDetail
The IBAN of the bank account.
getIban() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3BankAccountDetail
The IBAN of the bank account.
getId() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Document
Document identifier, generated on each API call.
getId() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
Identifier for the execution.
getId() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Job
Identifier for the job.
getId() - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The unique identifier of the driver license.
getIdNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
The identification card number.
getIdNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The identification number of the passport document.
getIdNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The passport's identification number.
getImage() - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.ExtractedImage
getImage() - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.PdfPageImage
getIncomeTaxRate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayDetail
The income tax rate of the employee.
getIncomeTaxRate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayDetail
The income tax rate of the employee.
getIncomeTaxWithheld() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayDetail
The income tax withheld from the employee's pay.
getIncomeTaxWithheld() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayDetail
The income tax withheld from the employee's pay.
getInference() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Document
Define the inference model of values.
getInference() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
Deserialized inference object.
getInitialDelaySec() - Method in class com.mindee.AsyncPollingOptions
Wait this many seconds before the first polling attempt.
getIntervalSec() - Method in class com.mindee.AsyncPollingOptions
Wait this many seconds between each polling attempt.
getInvoiceDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The date when the energy invoice was issued.
getInvoiceNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The invoice number or identifier only if document is an invoice.
getInvoiceNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The unique identifier of the energy invoice.
getInvoiceNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The invoice number or identifier.
getInvoicePageGroups() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter.InvoiceSplitterV1Document
List of page groups.
getIsAddressChange() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2RecipientAddress
Indicates if the recipient's address is a change of address.
getIsAddressChange() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3RecipientAddress
Indicates if the recipient's address is a change of address.
getIsComputed() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedObject
Get the information on whether the date field was extracted.
getIsComputed() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.DateField
Whether the field was computed or retrieved directly from the document.
getIsReturnToSender() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3Document
Whether the mailing is marked as return to sender.
getIssuanceDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard.HealthCardV1Document
The date when the carte vitale document was issued.
getIssuanceDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The date when the passport was issued, ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
getIssuanceDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The date the passport was issued.
getIssuancePlace() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The place where the passport was issued.
getIssuedAt() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Job
The time at which the job started.
getIssueDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The date of issue of the identification card.
getIssueDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The date when the document was issued.
getIssuedDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The date when the driver license was issued.
getIssuer80840() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The organization that issued the healthcare plan.
getIssuingAuthority() - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The authority that issued the driver license.
getJ() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's category.
getJ1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's national type.
getJ2() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's body type (CE).
getJ3() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's body type (National designation).
getJob() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.AsyncPredictResponse
Details for the submitted job.
getJobApplied() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The position that the candidate is applying for.
getJobTitle() - Method in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The job title of the person.
getJobTitle() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employment
The job title of the employee.
getJobTitle() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employment
The job title of the employee.
getLanguage() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.FullTextOcr
Language used in the text.
getLanguage() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.LocaleField
The language which has been detected.
getLanguage() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Language
The language's ISO 639 code.
getLanguages() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The list of languages that the candidate is proficient in.
getLastname() - Method in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The lastname of the person.
getLastName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The last name of the driver license holder.
getLastName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employee
The last name of the employee.
getLastName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employee
The last name of the employee.
getLegalGuardian() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The name of the legal guardian of the passport holder (if applicable).
getLevel() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Language
The candidate's level for the language.
getLineItems() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
List of line item present on the document.
getLineItems() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
List of all the line items present on the invoice.
getLineItems() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
List of all line items on the receipt.
getLines() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.PreparedLines
getLocale() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The locale of the document.
getLocale() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The locale of the document.
getLocale() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The locale of the document.
getLocalFilename() - Method in class com.mindee.input.URLInputSource
getMax() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.MinMax
getMaxRetries() - Method in class com.mindee.AsyncPollingOptions
Maximum number of times to poll.
getMaxX() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Bbox
getMaxXCoordinate(Polygon) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.PolygonUtils
getMaxY() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Bbox
getMaxYCoordinate(Polygon) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.PolygonUtils
getMeasurement() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1CarrierItem
The measurement of the item.
getMeasurementUnit() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1CarrierItem
The unit of measurement for the measurement.
getMemberId() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The unique identifier for the member in the healthcare system.
getMemberName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The name of the member covered by the healthcare plan.
getMessage() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Error
More precise information about the current error.
getMeterDetails() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
Information about the energy meter.
getMeterNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1MeterDetail
The unique identifier of the energy meter.
getMeterType() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1MeterDetail
The type of energy meter.
getMin() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.MinMax
getMinMaxX() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Polygon
Get the maximum and minimum Y coordinates.
getMinMaxX(List<Point>) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.PolygonUtils
Get the maximum and minimum X coordinates in a given list of Points.
getMinMaxY() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Polygon
Get the maximum and minimum Y coordinates.
getMinMaxY(List<Point>) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.PolygonUtils
Get the maximum and minimum Y coordinates in a given list of Points.
getMinX() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Bbox
getMinXCoordinate(Polygon) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.PolygonUtils
getMinY() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Bbox
getMinYCoordinate(Polygon) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.PolygonUtils
getMobileNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The mobile number of the person.
getMonth() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayPeriod
The month of the pay period.
getMonth() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayPeriod
The month of the pay period.
getMrz() - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) of the driver license.
getMrz1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Machine Readable Zone, first line.
getMrz1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
Machine Readable Zone, first line
getMrz1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The Machine Readable Zone, first line.
getMrz1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The first line of the machine-readable zone (MRZ) of the passport document.
getMrz1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
Machine Readable Zone, first line
getMrz2() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Machine Readable Zone, second line.
getMrz2() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
Machine Readable Zone, second line
getMrz2() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The Machine Readable Zone, second line.
getMrz2() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The second line of the machine-readable zone (MRZ) of the passport document.
getMrz2() - Method in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
Machine Readable Zone, second line
getMrz3() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The Machine Readable Zone, third line.
getMrzLine1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The Machine Readable Zone, first line.
getMrzLine2() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The Machine Readable Zone, second line.
getMrzLine3() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The Machine Readable Zone, third line.
getMVisionV1() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.Ocr
getNafCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employer
The NAF code of the employer.
getNafCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employer
The NAF code of the employer.
getName() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ExecutionFile
File name.
getName() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Product
Name of the product used.
getName() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.Anchor
getName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Carrier
The name of the carrier.
getName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Consignee
The name of the consignee.
getName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1NotifyParty
The name of the notify party.
getName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Shipper
The name of the shipper.
getName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyConsumer
The name of the energy consumer.
getName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergySupplier
The name of the energy supplier.
getName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employer
The name of the employer.
getName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employer
The name of the employer.
getName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Nutrient
The name of nutrients of the product.
getName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Certificate
The name of certification.
getName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1SocialNetworksUrl
The name of the social network.
getNameOfMother() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The name of the mother of the passport holder.
getNameOfSpouse() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The name of the spouse of the passport holder (if applicable).
getNationality() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The nationality of the card holder.
getNationality() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The country of citizenship of the document holder.
getNationality() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The ISO 3166 code for the country of citizenship of the candidate.
getNetPaid() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayDetail
The net paid amount of the employee.
getNetPaid() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayDetail
The net paid amount of the employee.
getNetPaidBeforeTax() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayDetail
The net paid amount before tax of the employee.
getNetPaidBeforeTax() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayDetail
The net paid amount before tax of the employee.
getNetTaxable() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayDetail
The net taxable amount of the employee.
getNetTaxable() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayDetail
The net taxable amount of the employee.
getNetTaxableYtd() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayDetail
The year-to-date net taxable amount of the employee.
getNetTaxableYtd() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayDetail
The year-to-date net taxable amount of the employee.
getNotifyParty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The party to be notified of the arrival of the goods.
getNPages() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Document
Number of pages in the document.
getNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3SalaryDetail
The number of units in the earning.
getNumberOfPages(LocalInputSource) - Static method in class com.mindee.pdf.PDFUtils
Get the number of pages in the PDF.
getNutrients() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of nutrients in the product.
getOcr() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Document
Ocr result information.
getOldPassportDateOfIssue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The date of issue of the old passport (if applicable), ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
getOldPassportNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The number of the old passport (if applicable).
getOldPassportPlaceOfIssue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The place of issue of the old passport (if applicable).
getOnMinPages() - Method in class com.mindee.input.PageOptions
Apply the operation only if the document has at least this many pages. 0 by default.
getOperation() - Method in class com.mindee.input.PageOptions
Operation to apply on the document, given the `pageIndexes` specified.
getOrientation() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Page
The orientation which was applied from the original page.
getOriginalFilename() - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.PdfPageImage
getOriginalIndex() - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.PdfPageImage
getOwnerFirstName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's owner first name.
getOwnerSurname() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's owner surname.
getP1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle engine's displacement (cm3).
getP2() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's maximum net power (kW).
getP3() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's fuel type or energy source.
getP6() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's administrative power (fiscal horsepower).
getPageCount() - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.ImageExtractor
getPageCount() - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.PDFExtractor
getPageId() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Page
The id of the page.
getPageId() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListFieldValue
The document page on which the information was found.
getPageId() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedObject
Get the page ID, if present.
getPageId() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.BaseField
The index of the page where the current field was found.
getPageIndexes() - Method in class com.mindee.input.PageOptions
Zero-based list of page indexes.
getPageIndexes() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter.InvoiceSplitterV1InvoicePageGroup
List of page indexes that belong to the same invoice (group).
getPageNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The page number of the passport document.
getPageOptions() - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.SplitQuery
Represent options to cut a document.
getPages() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Inference
The prediction on each pages of the document.
getPages() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.MvisionV1
getPaidTimeOff() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
Information about paid time off.
getPayDetail() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
Detailed information about the pay.
getPayDetail() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
Detailed information about the pay.
getPayees() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
List of the check's payees (recipients).
getPayerId() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The unique identifier for the payer in the healthcare system.
getPaymentDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The date on which the payment is due / fullfilled.
getPaymentDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayPeriod
The date of payment for the pay period.
getPaymentDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayPeriod
The date of payment for the pay period.
getPaymentDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The date on which the payment is due / was full-filled.
getPayPeriod() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
Information about the pay period.
getPayPeriod() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
Information about the pay period.
getPdf() - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.ExtractedPDF
getPer100G() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1AddedSugar
The amount of added sugars per 100g of the product.
getPer100G() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Calorie
The amount of calories per 100g of the product.
getPer100G() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Cholesterol
The amount of cholesterol per 100g of the product.
getPer100G() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1DietaryFiber
The amount of dietary fiber per 100g of the product.
getPer100G() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Nutrient
The amount of nutrients per 100g of the product.
getPer100G() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Protein
The amount of protein per 100g of the product.
getPer100G() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1SaturatedFat
The amount of saturated fat per 100g of the product.
getPer100G() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Sodium
The amount of sodium per 100g of the product.
getPer100G() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalCarbohydrate
The amount of total carbohydrates per 100g of the product.
getPer100G() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalFat
The amount of total fat per 100g of the product.
getPer100G() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalSugar
The amount of total sugars per 100g of the product.
getPer100G() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TransFat
The amount of trans fat per 100g of the product.
getPeriod() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PaidTimeOff
The paid time off period.
getPerServing() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1AddedSugar
The amount of added sugars per serving of the product.
getPerServing() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Calorie
The amount of calories per serving of the product.
getPerServing() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Cholesterol
The amount of cholesterol per serving of the product.
getPerServing() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1DietaryFiber
The amount of dietary fiber per serving of the product.
getPerServing() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Nutrient
The amount of nutrients per serving of the product.
getPerServing() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Protein
The amount of protein per serving of the product.
getPerServing() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1SaturatedFat
The amount of saturated fat per serving of the product.
getPerServing() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Sodium
The amount of sodium per serving of the product.
getPerServing() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalCarbohydrate
The amount of total carbohydrates per serving of the product.
getPerServing() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalFat
The amount of total fat per serving of the product.
getPerServing() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalSugar
The amount of total sugars per serving of the product.
getPerServing() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TransFat
The amount of trans fat per serving of the product.
getPersonalNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The unique identifier assigned to the document holder.
getPhone() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Consignee
The phone number of the consignee.
getPhone() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1NotifyParty
The phone number of the notify party.
getPhone() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Shipper
The phone number of the shipper.
getPhoneNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The phone number of the person.
getPhoneNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employee
The phone number of the employee.
getPhoneNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employer
The phone number of the employer.
getPhoneNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employee
The phone number of the employee.
getPhoneNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employer
The phone number of the employer.
getPhoneNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The phone number of the candidate.
getPlaceOfBirth() - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The place of birth of the driver license holder.
getPlaceOfDelivery() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The place where the goods are to be delivered.
getPolygon() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.Word
Define the coordinates of the zone in the page where the values have been found.
getPolygon() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListFieldValue
Define the coordinates of the zone in the page where the values have been found.
getPolygon() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedObject
Get the polygon, if present.
getPolygon() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.BaseField
Define the coordinates of the zone in the page where the values has been found.
getPolygon() - Method in interface com.mindee.parsing.standard.PositionData
getPolygon() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.PositionField
Free polygon with up to 30 vertices.
getPoNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The purchase order number, only if the document is an invoice.
getPoNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The purchase order number.
getPortOfDischarge() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The port where the goods are unloaded from the vessel.
getPortOfLoading() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The port where the goods are loaded onto the vessel.
getPositionLevel() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employment
The position level of the employment.
getPositionLevel() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employment
The position level of the employment.
getPostalCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2RecipientAddress
The postal code of the recipient's address.
getPostalCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2SenderAddress
The postal code of the sender's address.
getPostalCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3RecipientAddress
The postal code of the recipient's address.
getPostalCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3SenderAddress
The postal code of the sender's address.
getPrediction() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Inference
The prediction on the document level.
getPrediction() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Page
The prediction model type.
getPredictOptions() - Method in class com.mindee.http.RequestParameters
getPriority() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
Priority of the execution.
getPriority() - Method in class com.mindee.WorkflowOptions
Priority to give to the execution.
getPrivateMailboxNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2RecipientAddress
The private mailbox number of the recipient's address.
getPrivateMailboxNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3RecipientAddress
The private mailbox number of the recipient's address.
getProduct() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Inference
Type of product.
getProductCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1LineItem
The product code referring to the item.
getProductCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4LineItem
The product code of the item.
getProfession() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The candidate's current profession.
getProfessionalExperiences() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The list of the candidate's professional experiences.
getProfessionalNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Carrier
The professional number of the carrier.
getProtein() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of protein in the product.
getProvider() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Certificate
The organization or institution that issued the certificate.
getPto() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
Information about paid time off.
getPtoType() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PaidTimeOff
The type of paid time off.
getPublicUrl() - Method in class com.mindee.WorkflowOptions
A unique, encrypted URL for accessing the document validation interface without requiring authentication.
getQ() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's power to weight ratio.
getQuadrangle() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.PositionField
Free polygon with 4 vertices.
getQuantity() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1CarrierItem
The quantity of the item being shipped.
getQuantity() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1LineItem
The item quantity
getQuantity() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4LineItem
The item quantity
getQuantity() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5LineItem
The item quantity.
getRate() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.TaxField
The tax rate in percentage.
getRate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2SalaryDetail
The rate of the earnings.
getRate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3SalaryDetail
The rate of the earning.
getRawResponse() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiResponse
The raw server response.
getRawValue() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.StringField
The value as it appears on the document.
getReceiptNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The receipt number or identifier only if document is a receipt.
getReceiptNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The receipt number or identifier.
getReceipts() - Method in class com.mindee.product.multireceiptsdetector.MultiReceiptsDetectorV1Document
Positions of the receipts on the document.
getRecipientAddresses() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2Document
The addresses of the recipients.
getRecipientAddresses() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3Document
The addresses of the recipients.
getRecipientNames() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2Document
The names of the recipients.
getRecipientNames() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3Document
The names of the recipients.
getRectangle() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.PositionField
Rectangle that may be oriented (can go beyond the canvas).
getReferenceNumbers() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
List of Reference numbers, including PO number, only if the document is an invoice.
getReferenceNumbers() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
List of all reference numbers on the invoice, including the purchase order number.
getRegistrationNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employee
The registration number of the employee.
getRegistrationNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employee
The registration number of the employee.
getRemaining() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PaidTimeOff
The remaining amount of paid time off at the end of the period.
getResources() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiRequest
getReviewedAt() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
The time at which the file was tagged as reviewed.
getReviewedPrediction() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
Reviewed fields and values.
getRole() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1ProfessionalExperience
The position or job title held by the candidate.
getRoutingNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.PaymentDetailsField
The routing number.
getRoutingNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
The check issuer's routing number.
getRowNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.Line
getRows() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.LineItems
getRxBin() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The BIN number for prescription drug coverage.
getRxGrp() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The group number for prescription drug coverage.
getRxPcn() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The PCN number for prescription drug coverage.
getS1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's number of seats.
getS2() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's number of standing rooms (person).
getSalaryDetails() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
Detailed information about the earnings.
getSalaryDetails() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
Detailed information about the earnings.
getSaturatedFat() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of saturated fat in the product.
getSaveFormat() - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.ExtractedImage
getSaveFormat() - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.PdfPageImage
getScac() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Carrier
The Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) of the carrier.
getSchool() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Education
The name of the school.
getSenderAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2Document
The address of the sender.
getSenderAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3Document
The address of the sender.
getSenderName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2Document
The name of the sender.
getSenderName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3Document
The name of the sender.
getSeniorityDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employment
The seniority date of the employment.
getServiceFees() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Copay
The price of service.
getServiceName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Copay
The name of service of the copay.
getServingPerBox() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The number of servings in each box of the product.
getServingSize() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The size of a single serving of the product.
getSex() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The biological sex of the document holder.
getShipper() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The party responsible for shipping the goods.
getShippingAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The customer's address used for shipping.
getShippingAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
Customer's delivery address.
getSignaturesPositions() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Page
List of signature positions
getSocialMedia() - Method in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The social media profiles of the person or company.
getSocialNetworksUrls() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The list of social network profiles of the candidate.
getSocialSecurity() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard.HealthCardV1Document
The social security number of the card holder.
getSocialSecurityNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employee
The social security number of the employee.
getSocialSecurityNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employee
The social security number of the employee.
getSodium() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of sodium in the product.
getSoftSkills() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The list of the candidate's interpersonal and communication abilities.
getStartDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyUsage
The start date of the energy usage.
getStartDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Subscription
The start date of the subscription.
getStartDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1TaxesAndContribution
The start date of the Taxes and Contributions.
getStartDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employment
The start date of the employment.
getStartDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayPeriod
The start date of the pay period.
getStartDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employment
The start date of the employment.
getStartDate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayPeriod
The start date of the pay period.
getStartMonth() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Education
The month when the education program or course began.
getStartMonth() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1ProfessionalExperience
The month when the professional experience began.
getStartYear() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Education
The year when the education program or course began.
getStartYear() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1ProfessionalExperience
The year when the professional experience began.
getState() - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
Second part of the ISO 3166-2 code, consisting of two letters indicating the US State.
getState() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2RecipientAddress
Second part of the ISO 3166-2 code, consisting of two letters indicating the US State.
getState() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2SenderAddress
Second part of the ISO 3166-2 code, consisting of two letters indicating the US State.
getState() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3RecipientAddress
Second part of the ISO 3166-2 code, consisting of two letters indicating the US State.
getState() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3SenderAddress
Second part of the ISO 3166-2 code, consisting of two letters indicating the US State.
getStateOfIssue() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The state or territory where the document was issued.
getStatus() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiRequest
The status of the request.
getStatus() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
Execution Status.
getStatus() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Job
Job Status.
getStatusCode() - Method in exception com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpException
Standard HTTP status code.
getStatusCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiRequest
Status code of the request.
getStreet() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2RecipientAddress
The street of the recipient's address.
getStreet() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2SenderAddress
The street of the sender's address.
getStreet() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3RecipientAddress
The street of the recipient's address.
getStreet() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3SenderAddress
The street of the sender's address.
getSubcategory() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The purchase subcategory for transport and food, only for receipts.
getSubcategory() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The purchase subcategory of the receipt for transport and food.
getSubscription() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The subscription details fee for the energy service.
getSupplierAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
The address of the supplier providing the goods.
getSupplierAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The address of the supplier or merchant.
getSupplierAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The address of the supplier or merchant.
getSupplierAddress() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The address of the supplier or merchant.
getSupplierCompanyRegistrations() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
List of company registration numbers associated to the supplier.
getSupplierCompanyRegistrations() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
List of company registration numbers associated to the supplier.
getSupplierCompanyRegistrations() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
List of company registration numbers associated to the supplier.
getSupplierEmail() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The email of the supplier or merchant.
getSupplierEmail() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The email address of the supplier or merchant.
getSupplierName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
The name of the supplier providing the goods.
getSupplierName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The name of the supplier or merchant.
getSupplierName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The name of the supplier or merchant.
getSupplierName() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The name of the supplier or merchant.
getSupplierPaymentDetails() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
List of payment details associated to the supplier (only for invoices).
getSupplierPaymentDetails() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
List of payment details associated to the supplier of the invoice.
getSupplierPhoneNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The phone number of the supplier or merchant.
getSupplierPhoneNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The phone number of the supplier or merchant.
getSupplierPhoneNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The phone number of the supplier or merchant.
getSupplierWebsite() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The website URL of the supplier or merchant.
getSupplierWebsite() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The website URL of the supplier or merchant.
getSurname() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard.HealthCardV1Document
The surname of the card holder.
getSurname() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
The surname of the card holder.
getSurname() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The surname of the card holder.
getSurname() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The surname of the passport holder.
getSurname() - Method in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The surname of the passport holder.
getSurnames() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The list of the document holder's family names.
getSurnames() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The candidate's last names.
getSwift() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.PaymentDetailsField
The SWIFT value.
getSwift() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV1Document
The bank's SWIFT Business Identifier Code (BIC).
getSwift() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2BankAccountDetail
The SWIFT code of the bank.
getSwift() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3BankAccountDetail
The SWIFT code of the bank.
getSwiftCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Document
Full extraction of the SWIFT code.
getTaxAmount() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1LineItem
The item tax amount.
getTaxAmount() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4LineItem
The item tax amount.
getTaxes() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
List of all taxes on the document.
getTaxes() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
List of taxes.
getTaxes() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The list of taxes present on the receipt.
getTaxesAndContributions() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
Details of Taxes and Contributions.
getTaxRate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1LineItem
The item tax rate in percentage.
getTaxRate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyUsage
The rate of tax applied to the total cost.
getTaxRate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Subscription
The rate of tax applied to the total cost.
getTaxRate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1TaxesAndContribution
The rate of tax applied to the total cost.
getTaxRate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4LineItem
The item tax rate in percentage.
getText() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.Word
Represent the content.
getTime() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The time the purchase was made (only for receipts).
getTime() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The time the purchase was made.
getTip() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The total amount of tip and gratuity
getTip() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The total amount of tip and gratuity.
getTolerance() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.Anchor
getTotal() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyUsage
The total cost of energy consumed.
getTotal() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Subscription
The total cost of subscription.
getTotal() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1TaxesAndContribution
The total cost of Taxes and Contributions.
getTotalAmount() - Method in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
The total monetary value of the goods being delivered.
getTotalAmount() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The total amount paid: includes taxes, tips, fees, and other charges.
getTotalAmount() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1LineItem
The item total amount.
getTotalAmount() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The total amount to be paid for the energy invoice.
getTotalAmount() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The total amount of the invoice: includes taxes, tips, fees, and other charges.
getTotalAmount() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4LineItem
The item total amount.
getTotalAmount() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The total amount paid: includes taxes, discounts, fees, tips, and gratuity.
getTotalAmount() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5LineItem
The item total amount.
getTotalBeforeTaxes() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The total amount to be paid for the energy invoice before taxes.
getTotalCarbohydrate() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The total amount of carbohydrates in the product.
getTotalCostEmployer() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayDetail
The total cost to the employer.
getTotalCostEmployer() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayDetail
The total cost to the employer.
getTotalFat() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The total amount of fat in the product.
getTotalNet() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The net amount paid: does not include taxes, fees, and discounts.
getTotalNet() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The net amount of the invoice: does not include taxes, fees, and discounts.
getTotalNet() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The net amount paid: does not include taxes, fees, and discounts.
getTotalPageNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.SplitPdf
The total page number.
getTotalSugars() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The total amount of sugars in the product.
getTotalTax() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The sum of all taxes present on the document.
getTotalTax() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The total tax: the sum of all the taxes for this invoice.
getTotalTax() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The sum of all taxes.
getTotalTaxes() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
Total of taxes applied to the invoice.
getTotalTaxesAndDeductions() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayDetail
The total taxes and deductions of the employee.
getTotalTaxesAndDeductions() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayDetail
The total taxes and deductions of the employee.
getTransFat() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of trans fat in the product.
getType() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
Execution type.
getType() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.CompanyRegistrationField
Type of the company registration number.
getU1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's sound level (dB).
getU2() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle engine's rotation speed (RPM).
getUnit() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyUsage
The unit of measurement for energy consumption.
getUnit() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1MeterDetail
The unit of power for energy consumption.
getUnit() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Nutrient
The unit of measurement for the amount of nutrients.
getUnit() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1ServingSize
The unit for the amount of a single serving.
getUnit() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Sodium
The unit of measurement for the amount of sodium.
getUnit() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3RecipientAddress
The unit number of the recipient's address.
getUnitMeasure() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1LineItem
The item unit of measure.
getUnitMeasure() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4LineItem
The item unit of measure.
getUnitPrice() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1LineItem
The item unit price.
getUnitPrice() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyUsage
The price per unit of energy consumed.
getUnitPrice() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Subscription
The price per unit of subscription.
getUnitPrice() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1TaxesAndContribution
The price per unit of Taxes and Contributions.
getUnitPrice() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4LineItem
The item unit price.
getUnitPrice() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5LineItem
The item unit price.
getUploadedAt() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
The time at which the file was uploaded to a workflow.
getUrl() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiRequest
The original url.
getUrl() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1SocialNetworksUrl
The URL of the social network.
getUrssafNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employer
The URSSAF number of the employer.
getUrssafNumber() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employer
The URSSAF number of the employer.
getUsed() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PaidTimeOff
The amount of paid time off used in the period.
getUsedThisPeriod() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Pto
The amount of paid time off used in this period.
getUserAgent() - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeApi
getV7() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's CO2 emission (g/km).
getValue() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ErrorDetails
More precise information about the current error.
getValue() - Method in enum com.mindee.parsing.common.ExecutionPriority
getValue() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Orientation
Degrees of the rotation.
getValue() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ClassificationField
The content of the value.
getValue() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.AmountField
An amount value.
getValue() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.BooleanField
The value as a Boolean.
getValue() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.ClassificationField
The value as a String.
getValue() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.CompanyRegistrationField
The value of the field.
getValue() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.DateField
The value as LocalDate object.
getValue() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.LocaleField
Concatenation of lang and country codes.
getValue() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.StringField
The value of the field.
getValue() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.TaxField
The tax amount.
getValues() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListField
List of defined values available in a field.
getVersion() - Method in class com.mindee.http.Endpoint
The version number of the API.
getVersion() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Product
Version of the product used.
getWebsite() - Method in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The website of the person or company.
getWeightUnit() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1CarrierItem
The unit of measurement for weights.
getWorkflowId() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
Identifier for the workflow.
getWorkflowOptions() - Method in class com.mindee.http.RequestParameters
getX() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Point
getX1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Next technical control date.
getY() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Point
getY1() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Amount of the regional proportional tax of the registration (in euros).
getY2() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Amount of the additional parafiscal tax of the registration (in euros).
getY3() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Amount of the additional CO2 tax of the registration (in euros).
getY4() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Amount of the fee for managing the registration (in euros).
getY5() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Amount of the fee for delivery of the registration certificate in euros.
getY6() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Total amount of registration fee to be paid in euros.
getYear() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayPeriod
The year of the pay period.
getYear() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayPeriod
The year of the pay period.
getYear() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Certificate
The year when a certificate was issued or received.
givenNames - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard.HealthCardV1Document
The given names of the card holder.
givenNames - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
The given name(s) of the card holder.
givenNames - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The given name(s) of the card holder.
givenNames - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The given names of the passport holder.
givenNames - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The list of the document holder's given names.
givenNames - Variable in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The given name(s) of the passport holder.
givenNames - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The candidate's first or given names.
groupNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The group number associated with the healthcare plan.


hardSkills - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The list of the candidate's technical abilities and knowledge.
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.AsyncPollingOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.http.RequestParameters
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.input.PageOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiRequest
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.AsyncPredictResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Cropper
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ExecutionFile
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Extras
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.FullTextOcr
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.InferenceExtras
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Job
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.Word
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Orientation
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.PredictResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.WorkflowResponse
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ClassificationField
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListField
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListFieldValue
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.BaseField
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.SplitPdf
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.SplitQuery
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.PredictOptions
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.barcodereader.BarcodeReaderV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.cropper.CropperV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.cropper.CropperV1Page
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.custom.CustomV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.custom.CustomV1Page
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard.HealthCardV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Page
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Page
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.generated.GeneratedV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter.InvoiceSplitterV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.multireceiptsdetector.MultiReceiptsDetectorV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Page
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3Document
hashCode() - Method in class com.mindee.WorkflowOptions
hasPrediction() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Pages
Returns whether any predictions are set.
hasSourceText() - Method in class com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource
hasSourceText(byte[]) - Static method in class com.mindee.input.InputSourceUtils
Returns true if the source PDF has source text inside.
HealthCardV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard
Health Card API version 1 inference prediction.
HealthCardV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard.HealthCardV1
HealthCardV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard
Health Card API version 1.0 document data.
HealthCardV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard.HealthCardV1Document
HealthcareCardV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard
Healthcare Card API version 1 inference prediction.
HealthcareCardV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1
HealthcareCardV1Copay - Class in com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard
Is a fixed amount for a covered service.
HealthcareCardV1Copay() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Copay
HealthcareCardV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard
Healthcare Card API version 1.1 document data.
HealthcareCardV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
height - Variable in class com.mindee.image.ImageUtils.Dimensions
HIGH - com.mindee.parsing.common.ExecutionPriority
httpClientBuilder(HttpClientBuilder) - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpApi.MindeeHttpApiBuilder


i - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The car registration date of the given certificate.
iban - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV1Document
The International Bank Account Number (IBAN).
iban - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Document
Full extraction of the IBAN number.
id - Variable in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The unique identifier of the driver license.
IdCardV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.idcard
Carte Nationale d'Identité API version 1 inference prediction.
IdCardV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1
IdCardV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.idcard
Carte Nationale d'Identité API version 1.1 document data.
IdCardV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
IdCardV1Page - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.idcard
Carte Nationale d'Identité API version 1.1 page data.
IdCardV1Page() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Page
IdCardV2 - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.idcard
Carte Nationale d'Identité API version 2 inference prediction.
IdCardV2() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2
IdCardV2Document - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.idcard
Carte Nationale d'Identité API version 2.0 document data.
IdCardV2Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
IdCardV2Page - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.idcard
Carte Nationale d'Identité API version 2.0 page data.
IdCardV2Page() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Page
idNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
The identification card number.
idNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The identification number of the passport document.
idNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The passport's identification number.
ImageCompressor - Class in com.mindee.image
Image compression class.
ImageCompressor() - Constructor for class com.mindee.image.ImageCompressor
ImageExtractor - Class in com.mindee.extraction
Extract sub-images from an image.
ImageExtractor(LocalInputSource) - Constructor for class com.mindee.extraction.ImageExtractor
Init from a LocalInputSource.
ImageExtractor(String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.extraction.ImageExtractor
Init from a path.
ImageUtils - Class in com.mindee.image
Image utility class.
ImageUtils() - Constructor for class com.mindee.image.ImageUtils
ImageUtils.Dimensions - Class in com.mindee.image
Dimension class for pages/images.
IndianPassportV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport
Passport - India API version 1 inference prediction.
IndianPassportV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1
IndianPassportV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport
Passport - India API version 1.2 document data.
IndianPassportV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
Inference<TPagePrediction,​TDocumentPrediction extends Prediction> - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Common inference data.
Inference() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.Inference
InferenceExtras - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Inference-level optional info.
InferenceExtras() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.InferenceExtras
initialDelaySec(Double) - Method in class com.mindee.AsyncPollingOptions.AsyncPollingOptionsBuilder
InputSourceUtils - Class in com.mindee.input
Utilities for working with files.
InternationalIdV2 - Class in com.mindee.product.internationalid
International ID API version 2 inference prediction.
InternationalIdV2() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2
InternationalIdV2Document - Class in com.mindee.product.internationalid
International ID API version 2.1 document data.
InternationalIdV2Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
intervalSec(Double) - Method in class com.mindee.AsyncPollingOptions.AsyncPollingOptionsBuilder
invoiceDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The date when the energy invoice was issued.
invoiceNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The invoice number or identifier only if document is an invoice.
invoiceNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The unique identifier of the energy invoice.
invoiceNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The invoice number or identifier.
invoicePageGroups - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter.InvoiceSplitterV1Document
List of page groups.
InvoiceSplitterV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter
Invoice Splitter API version 1 inference prediction.
InvoiceSplitterV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter.InvoiceSplitterV1
InvoiceSplitterV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter
Invoice Splitter API version 1.2 document data.
InvoiceSplitterV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter.InvoiceSplitterV1Document
InvoiceSplitterV1InvoicePageGroup - Class in com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter
List of page groups.
InvoiceSplitterV1InvoicePageGroup() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter.InvoiceSplitterV1InvoicePageGroup
InvoiceV4 - Class in com.mindee.product.invoice
Invoice API version 4 inference prediction.
InvoiceV4() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4
InvoiceV4Document - Class in com.mindee.product.invoice
Invoice API version 4.9 document data.
InvoiceV4Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
InvoiceV4LineItem - Class in com.mindee.product.invoice
List of all the line items present on the invoice.
InvoiceV4LineItem() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4LineItem
is2xxStatusCode(int) - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeApi
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Polygon
Returns true if there are no coordinates.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Prediction
Returns true if there are no predictions values.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListField
Returns true if there are no values.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.AmountField
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.BaseField
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.BooleanField
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.ClassificationField
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.CompanyRegistrationField
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.DateField
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.LocaleField
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.PaymentDetailsField
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.StringField
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.TaxField
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.barcodereader.BarcodeReaderV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Carrier
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1CarrierItem
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Consignee
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1NotifyParty
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Shipper
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.cropper.CropperV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.cropper.CropperV1Page
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.custom.CustomV1Document
Returns true if there are no predictions values.
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1LineItem
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Bban
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyConsumer
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergySupplier
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyUsage
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1MeterDetail
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Subscription
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1TaxesAndContribution
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard.HealthCardV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Page
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Page
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2BankAccountDetail
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employee
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employer
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employment
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayDetail
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayPeriod
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Pto
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2SalaryDetail
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3BankAccountDetail
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employee
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employer
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employment
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PaidTimeOff
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayDetail
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayPeriod
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3SalaryDetail
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.generated.GeneratedV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4LineItem
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter.InvoiceSplitterV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter.InvoiceSplitterV1InvoicePageGroup
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.multireceiptsdetector.MultiReceiptsDetectorV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1AddedSugar
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Calorie
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Cholesterol
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1DietaryFiber
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Nutrient
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Protein
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1SaturatedFat
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1ServingSize
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Sodium
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalCarbohydrate
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalFat
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalSugar
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TransFat
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5LineItem
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Certificate
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Education
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Language
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1ProfessionalExperience
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1SocialNetworksUrl
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Page
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Copay
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2RecipientAddress
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2SenderAddress
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3Document
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3RecipientAddress
isEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3SenderAddress
isList() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.generated.GeneratedFeature
isPdf() - Method in class com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource
isPdf(byte[]) - Static method in class com.mindee.input.InputSourceUtils
Returns true if the file is a PDF.
isPdfEmpty(File) - Static method in class com.mindee.pdf.PDFUtils
isPointInPolygonY(Point, Polygon) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.PolygonUtils
Determine if a Point is within a Polygon's Y axis.
isPointInY(Point, Double, Double) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.PolygonUtils
Determine if a Point is within two Y coordinates.
isPredictionEmpty() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Page
Returns true if there are no predictions in this page.
isReturnToSender - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3Document
Whether the mailing is marked as return to sender.
isRotationApplied() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Inference
Whether a rotation was applied to parse the document.
issuanceDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard.HealthCardV1Document
The date when the carte vitale document was issued.
issuanceDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The date when the passport was issued, ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
issuanceDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The date the passport was issued.
issuancePlace - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The place where the passport was issued.
issueDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The date of issue of the identification card.
issueDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The date when the document was issued.
issuedDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The date when the driver license was issued.
issuer80840 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The organization that issued the healthcare plan.
issuingAuthority - Variable in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The authority that issued the driver license.
isValidHmacSignature(String, String) - Method in class com.mindee.input.LocalResponse
Verify that the payload's signature matches the one received from the server.


j - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's category.
j1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's national type.
j2 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's body type (CE).
j3 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's body type (National designation).
Job - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Job Details for enqueued jobs.
Job() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.Job
Job(LocalDateTime, String, LocalDateTime, String, Error) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.Job
jobApplied - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The position that the candidate is applying for.
jobTitle - Variable in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The job title of the person.


KEEP_ONLY - com.mindee.input.PageOptionsOperation
Keep only the specified pages, and remove all others.


languages - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The list of languages that the candidate is proficient in.
lastname - Variable in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The lastname of the person.
lastName - Variable in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The last name of the driver license holder.
legalGuardian - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The name of the legal guardian of the passport holder (if applicable).
Line - Class in com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems
Represent a single line.
Line(Integer, Double) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.Line
Line(Integer, Map<String, StringField>) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.Line
LineGenerator - Class in com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems
Get lines.
LineItemField - Interface in com.mindee.parsing.standard
Represent a single line in a field printable as an rST table.
lineItems - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
List of line item present on the document.
lineItems - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
List of all the line items present on the invoice.
lineItems - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
List of all line items on the receipt.
LineItems - Class in com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems
Line items details.
LineItems(List<Line>) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.LineItems
LineItemsGenerator - Class in com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems
WARNING: This feature is experimental!
lineSeparator(int[], String) - Static method in class com.mindee.parsing.SummaryHelper
Format an rST table line separator.
ListField - Class in com.mindee.parsing.custom
A field containing a list of values.
ListField() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListField
ListField(double, List<ListFieldValue>) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListField
ListFieldValue - Class in com.mindee.parsing.custom
A single value in a ListField.
ListFieldValue() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListFieldValue
ListFieldValue(String, double, Polygon) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListFieldValue
loadPrediction(Class<T>, LocalResponse) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Load a local prediction.
locale - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The locale of the document.
locale - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The locale of the document.
locale - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The locale of the document.
LocaleField - Class in com.mindee.parsing.standard
The local of the page.
LocaleField(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.standard.LocaleField
LocalInputSource - Class in com.mindee.input
A source document for Mindee API operations.
LocalInputSource(byte[], String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource
LocalInputSource(File) - Constructor for class com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource
LocalInputSource(InputStream, String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource
LocalInputSource(String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource
LocalInputSource(String, String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.input.LocalInputSource
LocalResponse - Class in com.mindee.input
A Mindee response saved locally.
LocalResponse(File) - Constructor for class com.mindee.input.LocalResponse
Load from a File.
LocalResponse(InputStream) - Constructor for class com.mindee.input.LocalResponse
Load from an InputStream.
LocalResponse(String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.input.LocalResponse
Load from a String.
LOW - com.mindee.parsing.common.ExecutionPriority


main(String[]) - Static method in class com.mindee.CommandLineInterface
Instantiates all products one by one in a separate picocli instance and relays the command to them.
maxRetries(Integer) - Method in class com.mindee.AsyncPollingOptions.AsyncPollingOptionsBuilder
MEDIUM - com.mindee.parsing.common.ExecutionPriority
memberId - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The unique identifier for the member in the healthcare system.
memberName - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The name of the member covered by the healthcare plan.
merge(List<Bbox>) - Static method in class com.mindee.geometry.BboxUtils
Merge a list of BBoxes.
mergePdfPages(File, List<Integer>) - Static method in class com.mindee.pdf.PDFUtils
Merge specified PDF pages together.
mergePdfPages(PDDocument, List<Integer>) - Static method in class com.mindee.pdf.PDFUtils
mergePdfPages(PDDocument, List<Integer>, boolean) - Static method in class com.mindee.pdf.PDFUtils
meterDetails - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
Information about the energy meter.
MindeeApi - Class in com.mindee.http
Defines required methods for an API.
MindeeApi() - Constructor for class com.mindee.http.MindeeApi
MindeeClient - Class in com.mindee
Main entrypoint for Mindee operations.
MindeeClient() - Constructor for class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Create a default MindeeClient.
MindeeClient(MindeeApi) - Constructor for class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Create a MindeeClient using a MindeeApi.
MindeeClient(PdfOperation, MindeeApi) - Constructor for class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Create a MindeeClient.
MindeeClient(String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Create a default MindeeClient.
MindeeException - Exception in com.mindee
Represent a Mindee exception.
MindeeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.mindee.MindeeException
MindeeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.mindee.MindeeException
MindeeHttpApi - Class in com.mindee.http
HTTP Client class.
MindeeHttpApi(MindeeSettings) - Constructor for class com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpApi
MindeeHttpApi.MindeeHttpApiBuilder - Class in com.mindee.http
MindeeHttpException - Exception in com.mindee.http
Represent a Mindee exception.
MindeeHttpException(int, String, String, String) - Constructor for exception com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpException
mindeeSettings(MindeeSettings) - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpApi.MindeeHttpApiBuilder
MindeeSettings - Class in com.mindee
Mindee API configuration.
MindeeSettings() - Constructor for class com.mindee.MindeeSettings
MindeeSettings(String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.MindeeSettings
MindeeSettings(String, String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.MindeeSettings
MinMax - Class in com.mindee.geometry
Minimum and maximum values.
MinMax(Double, Double) - Constructor for class com.mindee.geometry.MinMax
mobileNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The mobile number of the person.
mrz - Variable in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The Machine Readable Zone (MRZ) of the driver license.
mrz1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Machine Readable Zone, first line.
mrz1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
Machine Readable Zone, first line
mrz1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The Machine Readable Zone, first line.
mrz1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The first line of the machine-readable zone (MRZ) of the passport document.
mrz1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
Machine Readable Zone, first line
mrz2 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Machine Readable Zone, second line.
mrz2 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
Machine Readable Zone, second line
mrz2 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The Machine Readable Zone, second line.
mrz2 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The second line of the machine-readable zone (MRZ) of the passport document.
mrz2 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
Machine Readable Zone, second line
mrz3 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The Machine Readable Zone, third line.
mrzLine1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The Machine Readable Zone, first line.
mrzLine2 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The Machine Readable Zone, second line.
mrzLine3 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The Machine Readable Zone, third line.
MultiReceiptsDetectorV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.multireceiptsdetector
Multi Receipts Detector API version 1 inference prediction.
MultiReceiptsDetectorV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.multireceiptsdetector.MultiReceiptsDetectorV1
MultiReceiptsDetectorV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.multireceiptsdetector
Multi Receipts Detector API version 1.1 document data.
MultiReceiptsDetectorV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.multireceiptsdetector.MultiReceiptsDetectorV1Document
MvisionV1 - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr
List all pages that have ocr results.
MvisionV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.MvisionV1


nameOfMother - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The name of the mother of the passport holder.
nameOfSpouse - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The name of the spouse of the passport holder (if applicable).
nationality - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The nationality of the card holder.
nationality - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The country of citizenship of the document holder.
nationality - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The ISO 3166 code for the country of citizenship of the candidate.
notifyParty - Variable in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The party to be notified of the arrival of the goods.
nutrients - Variable in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of nutrients in the product.
NutritionFactsLabelV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel
Nutrition Facts Label API version 1 inference prediction.
NutritionFactsLabelV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1
NutritionFactsLabelV1AddedSugar - Class in com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel
The amount of added sugars in the product.
NutritionFactsLabelV1AddedSugar() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1AddedSugar
NutritionFactsLabelV1Calorie - Class in com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel
The amount of calories in the product.
NutritionFactsLabelV1Calorie() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Calorie
NutritionFactsLabelV1Cholesterol - Class in com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel
The amount of cholesterol in the product.
NutritionFactsLabelV1Cholesterol() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Cholesterol
NutritionFactsLabelV1DietaryFiber - Class in com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel
The amount of dietary fiber in the product.
NutritionFactsLabelV1DietaryFiber() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1DietaryFiber
NutritionFactsLabelV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel
Nutrition Facts Label API version 1.0 document data.
NutritionFactsLabelV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
NutritionFactsLabelV1Nutrient - Class in com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel
The amount of nutrients in the product.
NutritionFactsLabelV1Nutrient() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Nutrient
NutritionFactsLabelV1Protein - Class in com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel
The amount of protein in the product.
NutritionFactsLabelV1Protein() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Protein
NutritionFactsLabelV1SaturatedFat - Class in com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel
The amount of saturated fat in the product.
NutritionFactsLabelV1SaturatedFat() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1SaturatedFat
NutritionFactsLabelV1ServingSize - Class in com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel
The size of a single serving of the product.
NutritionFactsLabelV1ServingSize() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1ServingSize
NutritionFactsLabelV1Sodium - Class in com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel
The amount of sodium in the product.
NutritionFactsLabelV1Sodium() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Sodium
NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalCarbohydrate - Class in com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel
The total amount of carbohydrates in the product.
NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalCarbohydrate() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalCarbohydrate
NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalFat - Class in com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel
The total amount of fat in the product.
NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalFat() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalFat
NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalSugar - Class in com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel
The total amount of sugars in the product.
NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalSugar() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalSugar
NutritionFactsLabelV1TransFat - Class in com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel
The amount of trans fat in the product.
NutritionFactsLabelV1TransFat() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TransFat


Ocr - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr
Ocr result information.
Ocr() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.Ocr
OcrPage - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr
Represents a page.
OcrPage(List<Word>) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.OcrPage
oldPassportDateOfIssue - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The date of issue of the old passport (if applicable), ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
oldPassportNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The number of the old passport (if applicable).
oldPassportPlaceOfIssue - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The place of issue of the old passport (if applicable).
Orientation - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
The orientation which was applied from the original page.
Orientation() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.Orientation
ownerFirstName - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's owner first name.
ownerSurname - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's owner surname.


p1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle engine's displacement (cm3).
p2 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's maximum net power (kW).
p3 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's fuel type or energy source.
p6 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's administrative power (fiscal horsepower).
Page<TPagePrediction> - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Define a page in the parsed document.
Page() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.Page
pageNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The page number of the passport document.
PageOptions - Class in com.mindee.input
Represent options to cut a document.
PageOptions(List<Integer>) - Constructor for class com.mindee.input.PageOptions
PageOptions(List<Integer>, PageOptionsOperation) - Constructor for class com.mindee.input.PageOptions
PageOptions(List<Integer>, PageOptionsOperation, Integer) - Constructor for class com.mindee.input.PageOptions
PageOptionsOperation - Enum in com.mindee.input
Possible page operations on a document.
pages - Variable in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Inference
The prediction on each pages of the document.
Pages<TPagePrediction> - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
List of all pages in the inference.
Pages() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.Pages
paidTimeOff - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
Information about paid time off.
parse(LocalInputSource, Endpoint) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a Custom prediction API and parse the results.
parse(LocalInputSource, Endpoint, PageOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a Custom prediction API and parse the results.
parse(Class<T>, Endpoint, LocalInputSource) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a Generated prediction API and parse the results.
parse(Class<T>, Endpoint, LocalInputSource, PageOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a Generated prediction API and parse the results.
parse(Class<T>, Endpoint, LocalInputSource, PredictOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a Generated prediction API and parse the results.
parse(Class<T>, Endpoint, LocalInputSource, PredictOptions, PageOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a Standard prediction API and parse the results.
parse(Class<T>, Endpoint, URL) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a remote file to a Generated prediction API and parse the results.
parse(Class<T>, Endpoint, URL, PredictOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a remote file to a Generated prediction API and parse the results.
parse(Class<T>, LocalInputSource) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a Standard prediction API and parse the results.
parse(Class<T>, LocalInputSource, PageOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a Standard prediction API and parse the results.
parse(Class<T>, LocalInputSource, PredictOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a Standard prediction API and parse the results.
parse(Class<T>, LocalInputSource, PredictOptions, PageOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a local file to a Standard prediction API and parse the results.
parse(Class<T>, URL) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a remote file to a Standard prediction API and parse the results.
parse(Class<T>, URL, PredictOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a remote file to a Standard prediction API and parse the results.
parse(URL, Endpoint) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Send a remote file to a Custom prediction API and parse the results.
parseQueued(Class<T>, Endpoint, String) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Parse a document from a Generated prediction API async queue.
parseQueued(Class<T>, String) - Method in class com.mindee.MindeeClient
Parse a document from an async queue.
PassportV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.passport
Passport API version 1 inference prediction.
PassportV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1
PassportV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.passport
Passport API version 1.1 document data.
PassportV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
payDetail - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
Detailed information about the pay.
payDetail - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
Detailed information about the pay.
payees - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
List of the check's payees (recipients).
payerId - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The unique identifier for the payer in the healthcare system.
paymentDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The date on which the payment is due / fullfilled.
paymentDate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The date on which the payment is due / was full-filled.
PaymentDetailsField - Class in com.mindee.parsing.standard
Represent a payment detail.
PaymentDetailsField(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.standard.PaymentDetailsField
payPeriod - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
Information about the pay period.
payPeriod - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
Information about the pay period.
PayslipV2 - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Payslip API version 2 inference prediction.
PayslipV2() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2
PayslipV2BankAccountDetail - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Information about the employee's bank account.
PayslipV2BankAccountDetail() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2BankAccountDetail
PayslipV2Document - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Payslip API version 2.0 document data.
PayslipV2Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
PayslipV2Employee - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Information about the employee.
PayslipV2Employee() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employee
PayslipV2Employer - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Information about the employer.
PayslipV2Employer() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employer
PayslipV2Employment - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Information about the employment.
PayslipV2Employment() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employment
PayslipV2PayDetail - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Detailed information about the pay.
PayslipV2PayDetail() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayDetail
PayslipV2PayPeriod - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Information about the pay period.
PayslipV2PayPeriod() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayPeriod
PayslipV2Pto - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Information about paid time off.
PayslipV2Pto() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Pto
PayslipV2SalaryDetail - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Detailed information about the earnings.
PayslipV2SalaryDetail() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2SalaryDetail
PayslipV3 - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Payslip API version 3 inference prediction.
PayslipV3() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3
PayslipV3BankAccountDetail - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Information about the employee's bank account.
PayslipV3BankAccountDetail() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3BankAccountDetail
PayslipV3Document - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Payslip API version 3.0 document data.
PayslipV3Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
PayslipV3Employee - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Information about the employee.
PayslipV3Employee() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employee
PayslipV3Employer - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Information about the employer.
PayslipV3Employer() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employer
PayslipV3Employment - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Information about the employment.
PayslipV3Employment() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employment
PayslipV3PaidTimeOff - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Information about paid time off.
PayslipV3PaidTimeOff() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PaidTimeOff
PayslipV3PayDetail - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Detailed information about the pay.
PayslipV3PayDetail() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayDetail
PayslipV3PayPeriod - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Information about the pay period.
PayslipV3PayPeriod() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayPeriod
PayslipV3SalaryDetail - Class in com.mindee.product.fr.payslip
Detailed information about the earnings.
PayslipV3SalaryDetail() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3SalaryDetail
PdfBoxApi - Class in com.mindee.pdf
Allows performing various operations on PDFs.
PdfBoxApi() - Constructor for class com.mindee.pdf.PdfBoxApi
PdfCompressor - Class in com.mindee.pdf
PDF compression class.
PdfCompressor() - Constructor for class com.mindee.pdf.PdfCompressor
PDFExtractor - Class in com.mindee.extraction
PDF extraction class.
PDFExtractor(LocalInputSource) - Constructor for class com.mindee.extraction.PDFExtractor
Init from a LocalInputSource.
PDFExtractor(String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.extraction.PDFExtractor
Init from a path.
PdfOperation - Interface in com.mindee.pdf
Minimum PDF operations.
PdfPageImage - Class in com.mindee.pdf
A page in a PDF extracted as an image.
PdfPageImage(BufferedImage, int, String, String) - Constructor for class com.mindee.pdf.PdfPageImage
pdfPageToImage(LocalInputSource, int) - Static method in class com.mindee.pdf.PDFUtils
Render a single page of a PDF as an image.
pdfPageToImage(String, int) - Static method in class com.mindee.pdf.PDFUtils
Render a single page of a PDF as an image.
pdfToImages(LocalInputSource) - Static method in class com.mindee.pdf.PDFUtils
Render all pages of a PDF as images.
pdfToImages(String) - Static method in class com.mindee.pdf.PDFUtils
Render all pages of a PDF as images.
PDFUtils - Class in com.mindee.pdf
Utilities for working with PDFs.
personalNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The unique identifier assigned to the document holder.
phoneNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The phone number of the person.
phoneNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The phone number of the candidate.
placeOfBirth - Variable in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
The place of birth of the driver license holder.
placeOfDelivery - Variable in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The place where the goods are to be delivered.
Point - Class in com.mindee.geometry
A relative set of coordinates (X, Y) on the document.
Point(Double, Double) - Constructor for class com.mindee.geometry.Point
Point.PointBuilder - Class in com.mindee.geometry
Polygon - Class in com.mindee.geometry
Contains any number of vertex coordinates (Points).
Polygon(List<Point>) - Constructor for class com.mindee.geometry.Polygon
Polygon.PolygonBuilder - Class in com.mindee.geometry
PolygonDeserializer - Class in com.mindee.geometry
JSON deserializer for polygons.
PolygonDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.mindee.geometry.PolygonDeserializer
PolygonDeserializer(Class<?>) - Constructor for class com.mindee.geometry.PolygonDeserializer
PolygonUtils - Class in com.mindee.geometry
Methods for working with Polygons.
poNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The purchase order number, only if the document is an invoice.
poNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The purchase order number.
portOfDischarge - Variable in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The port where the goods are unloaded from the vessel.
portOfLoading - Variable in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The port where the goods are loaded onto the vessel.
PositionData - Interface in com.mindee.parsing.standard
A field with position data.
PositionField - Class in com.mindee.parsing.standard
A detected element in the image.
PositionField() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.standard.PositionField
predictAsyncPost(Class<DocT>, Endpoint, RequestParameters) - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeApi
Send a file to the prediction queue.
predictAsyncPost(Class<DocT>, Endpoint, RequestParameters) - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpApi
POST a prediction request for a custom product.
Prediction - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Base class for all predictions.
Prediction() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.Prediction
predictOptions(PredictOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.http.RequestParameters.RequestParametersBuilder
PredictOptions - Class in com.mindee
Parameters for making predict API calls.
PredictOptions.PredictOptionsBuilder - Class in com.mindee
predictPost(Class<DocT>, Endpoint, RequestParameters) - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeApi
Send a file to the prediction API.
predictPost(Class<DocT>, Endpoint, RequestParameters) - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpApi
POST a prediction request for a custom product.
PredictResponse<T extends Inference> - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Represent a `predict` response from Mindee API.
PredictResponse() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.PredictResponse
PreparedLines - Class in com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems
An anchor and its initial lines.
PreparedLines(Anchor, List<Line>) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.PreparedLines
An anchor and its initial lines.
prepareLines(Map<String, ListField>, List<Anchor>) - Static method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.LineGenerator
priority(ExecutionPriority) - Method in class com.mindee.WorkflowOptions.WorkflowOptionsBuilder
Product - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
The product on which the document was parsed.
Product() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.Product
ProductCommandHandler(CommandLineInterfaceProducts, Method) - Constructor for class com.mindee.CommandLineInterface.ProductCommandHandler
Reads all products from the CommandLineInterfaceProducts file and makes them accessible.
ProductProcessor - Interface in com.mindee.cli
Interface to process CLI products.
profession - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The candidate's current profession.
professionalExperiences - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The list of the candidate's professional experiences.
protein - Variable in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of protein in the product.
pto - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
Information about paid time off.
publicUrl(String) - Method in class com.mindee.WorkflowOptions.WorkflowOptionsBuilder


q - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's power to weight ratio.


readRawResponse(HttpEntity) - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeApi
receiptNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The receipt number or identifier only if document is a receipt.
receiptNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The receipt number or identifier.
receipts - Variable in class com.mindee.product.multireceiptsdetector.MultiReceiptsDetectorV1Document
Positions of the receipts on the document.
ReceiptV5 - Class in com.mindee.product.receipt
Receipt API version 5 inference prediction.
ReceiptV5() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5
ReceiptV5Document - Class in com.mindee.product.receipt
Receipt API version 5.3 document data.
ReceiptV5Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
ReceiptV5LineItem - Class in com.mindee.product.receipt
List of all line items on the receipt.
ReceiptV5LineItem() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5LineItem
recipientAddresses - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2Document
The addresses of the recipients.
recipientAddresses - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3Document
The addresses of the recipients.
recipientNames - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2Document
The names of the recipients.
recipientNames - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3Document
The names of the recipients.
referenceNumbers - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
List of Reference numbers, including PO number, only if the document is an invoice.
referenceNumbers - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
List of all reference numbers on the invoice, including the purchase order number.
REMOVE - com.mindee.input.PageOptionsOperation
Remove the specified pages, and keep all others.
removeAlphaChannel(BufferedImage) - Static method in class com.mindee.image.ImageCompressor
RequestParameters - Class in com.mindee.http
Parameters for making API calls to the endpoint.
RequestParameters.RequestParametersBuilder - Class in com.mindee.http
resize(BufferedImage, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class com.mindee.image.ImageCompressor
ResumeV1 - Class in com.mindee.product.resume
Resume API version 1 inference prediction.
ResumeV1() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1
ResumeV1Certificate - Class in com.mindee.product.resume
The list of certificates obtained by the candidate.
ResumeV1Certificate() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Certificate
ResumeV1Document - Class in com.mindee.product.resume
Resume API version 1.2 document data.
ResumeV1Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
ResumeV1Education - Class in com.mindee.product.resume
The list of the candidate's educational background.
ResumeV1Education() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Education
ResumeV1Language - Class in com.mindee.product.resume
The list of languages that the candidate is proficient in.
ResumeV1Language() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Language
ResumeV1ProfessionalExperience - Class in com.mindee.product.resume
The list of the candidate's professional experiences.
ResumeV1ProfessionalExperience() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1ProfessionalExperience
ResumeV1SocialNetworksUrl - Class in com.mindee.product.resume
The list of social network profiles of the candidate.
ResumeV1SocialNetworksUrl() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1SocialNetworksUrl
routingNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
The check issuer's routing number.
rxBin - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The BIN number for prescription drug coverage.
rxGrp - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The group number for prescription drug coverage.
rxPcn - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
The PCN number for prescription drug coverage.


s1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's number of seats.
s2 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's number of standing rooms (person).
salaryDetails - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
Detailed information about the earnings.
salaryDetails - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
Detailed information about the earnings.
saturatedFat - Variable in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of saturated fat in the product.
saveToFile(String) - Method in class com.mindee.input.URLInputSource
Fetches the file from the URL and saves it to the specified filepath.
senderAddress - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2Document
The address of the sender.
senderAddress - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3Document
The address of the sender.
senderName - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2Document
The name of the sender.
senderName - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3Document
The name of the sender.
servingPerBox - Variable in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The number of servings in each box of the product.
servingSize - Variable in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The size of a single serving of the product.
setApiRequest(ApiRequest) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiResponse
Information from Mindee about the api request.
setBbox(Bbox) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems.Line
setDocument(Document<T>) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.AsyncPredictResponse
Set the prediction model used to parse the document.
setDocument(Document<T>) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.PredictResponse
Set the prediction model used to parse the document.
setExecution(Execution<DocT>) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.WorkflowResponse
Set the prediction model used to parse the document.
setFullTextOcr(FullTextOcr) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Extras
Full Text OCR result.
setFullTextOcr(String) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.InferenceExtras
Full Text OCR result.
setJob(Job) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.AsyncPredictResponse
Details for the submitted job.
setRawResponse(String) - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiResponse
sex - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The biological sex of the document holder.
shipper - Variable in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
The party responsible for shipping the goods.
shippingAddress - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The customer's address used for shipping.
shippingAddress - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
Customer's delivery address.
signaturesPositions - Variable in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Page
List of signature positions
socialMedia - Variable in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The social media profiles of the person or company.
socialNetworksUrls - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The list of social network profiles of the candidate.
socialSecurity - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard.HealthCardV1Document
The social security number of the card holder.
sodium - Variable in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of sodium in the product.
softSkills - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The list of the candidate's interpersonal and communication abilities.
split(SplitQuery) - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.PdfBoxApi
split(SplitQuery) - Method in interface com.mindee.pdf.PdfOperation
Split a PDF file.
splitNameStrict(String) - Static method in class com.mindee.input.InputSourceUtils
Split the filename into a name and an extension.
SplitPdf - Class in com.mindee.pdf
The split PDF.
SplitPdf(byte[], int) - Constructor for class com.mindee.pdf.SplitPdf
SplitQuery - Class in com.mindee.pdf
Represent parameter to split a PDF.
SplitQuery(byte[], PageOptions) - Constructor for class com.mindee.pdf.SplitQuery
standardProductAsyncOutput(Class<T>, File) - Method in interface com.mindee.cli.ProductProcessor
standardProductAsyncOutput(Class<T>, File) - Method in class com.mindee.CommandLineInterface
standardProductOutput(Class<T>, File) - Method in interface com.mindee.cli.ProductProcessor
standardProductOutput(Class<T>, File) - Method in class com.mindee.CommandLineInterface
state - Variable in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
Second part of the ISO 3166-2 code, consisting of two letters indicating the US State.
stateOfIssue - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The state or territory where the document was issued.
StringField - Class in com.mindee.parsing.standard
Represent a string field.
StringField(String, Double, Polygon) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.standard.StringField
StringField(String, String, Double, Polygon, Integer) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.standard.StringField
subcategory - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The purchase subcategory for transport and food, only for receipts.
subcategory - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The purchase subcategory of the receipt for transport and food.
subscription - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The subscription details fee for the energy service.
SummaryHelper - Class in com.mindee.parsing
Various static methods to help generate the prediction summaries.
supplierAddress - Variable in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
The address of the supplier providing the goods.
supplierAddress - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The address of the supplier or merchant.
supplierAddress - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The address of the supplier or merchant.
supplierAddress - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The address of the supplier or merchant.
supplierCompanyRegistrations - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
List of company registration numbers associated to the supplier.
supplierCompanyRegistrations - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
List of company registration numbers associated to the supplier.
supplierCompanyRegistrations - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
List of company registration numbers associated to the supplier.
supplierEmail - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The email of the supplier or merchant.
supplierEmail - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The email address of the supplier or merchant.
supplierName - Variable in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
The name of the supplier providing the goods.
supplierName - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The name of the supplier or merchant.
supplierName - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The name of the supplier or merchant.
supplierName - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The name of the supplier or merchant.
supplierPaymentDetails - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
List of payment details associated to the supplier (only for invoices).
supplierPaymentDetails - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
List of payment details associated to the supplier of the invoice.
supplierPhoneNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The phone number of the supplier or merchant.
supplierPhoneNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The phone number of the supplier or merchant.
supplierPhoneNumber - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The phone number of the supplier or merchant.
supplierWebsite - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The website URL of the supplier or merchant.
supplierWebsite - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The website URL of the supplier or merchant.
surname - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard.HealthCardV1Document
The surname of the card holder.
surname - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
The surname of the card holder.
surname - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
The surname of the card holder.
surname - Variable in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
The surname of the passport holder.
surname - Variable in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
The surname of the passport holder.
surnames - Variable in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
The list of the document holder's family names.
surnames - Variable in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
The candidate's last names.
swift - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV1Document
The bank's SWIFT Business Identifier Code (BIC).
swiftCode - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Document
Full extraction of the SWIFT code.


taxes - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
List of all taxes on the document.
taxes - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
List of taxes.
taxes - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The list of taxes present on the receipt.
Taxes - Class in com.mindee.parsing.standard
Represent all the tax lines.
Taxes() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.standard.Taxes
taxesAndContributions - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
Details of Taxes and Contributions.
TaxesDeserializer - Class in com.mindee.parsing.standard
JSON deserializer for custom documents v1.x.
TaxesDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.standard.TaxesDeserializer
TaxesDeserializer(Class<?>) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.standard.TaxesDeserializer
TaxField - Class in com.mindee.parsing.standard
Represent a tax line.
TaxField(Double, String, Double, Double) - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.standard.TaxField
time - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The time the purchase was made (only for receipts).
time - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The time the purchase was made.
tip - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The total amount of tip and gratuity
tip - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The total amount of tip and gratuity.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Carrier
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Consignee
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1NotifyParty
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Shipper
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Bban
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyConsumer
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergySupplier
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1MeterDetail
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2BankAccountDetail
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employee
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employer
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employment
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayDetail
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayPeriod
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Pto
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3BankAccountDetail
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employee
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employer
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employment
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayDetail
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayPeriod
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1AddedSugar
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Calorie
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Cholesterol
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1DietaryFiber
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Protein
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1SaturatedFat
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1ServingSize
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Sodium
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalCarbohydrate
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalFat
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalSugar
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TransFat
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2SenderAddress
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toFieldList() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3SenderAddress
Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
toLines() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.OcrPage
Order all the words on the page into lines.
toLocalInputSource() - Method in class com.mindee.input.URLInputSource
Create a LocalInputSource instance from this object.
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.AsyncPollingOptions.AsyncPollingOptionsBuilder
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.AsyncPollingOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Point.PointBuilder
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Point
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Polygon.PolygonBuilder
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Polygon
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpApi.MindeeHttpApiBuilder
toString() - Method in exception com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpException
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.http.RequestParameters.RequestParametersBuilder
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.http.RequestParameters
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.input.PageOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiRequest
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ApiResponse
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.AsyncPredictResponse
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Error
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ErrorDetails
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Execution
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ExecutionFile
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Inference
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.MvisionV1
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.Ocr
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.OcrPage
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Page
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.Pages
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.PredictResponse
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.common.WorkflowResponse
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ClassificationField
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListField
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.custom.ListFieldValue
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.AmountField
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.BooleanField
The value of the field.
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.ClassificationField
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.CompanyRegistrationField
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.DateField
The value of the field.
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.LocaleField
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.PaymentDetailsField
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.PositionField
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.StringField
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.Taxes
Default string representation.
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.TaxField
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.SplitPdf
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.SplitQuery
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.PredictOptions.PredictOptionsBuilder
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.PredictOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.barcodereader.BarcodeReaderV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Carrier
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1CarrierItem
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Consignee
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1NotifyParty
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1Shipper
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.cropper.CropperV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.cropper.CropperV1Page
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.custom.CustomV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.custom.CustomV1Page
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.driverlicense.DriverLicenseV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1LineItem
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Bban
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.bankaccountdetails.BankAccountDetailsV2Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyConsumer
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergySupplier
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyUsage
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1MeterDetail
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Subscription
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1TaxesAndContribution
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.healthcard.HealthCardV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV1Page
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.idcard.IdCardV2Page
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2BankAccountDetail
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employee
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employer
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Employment
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayDetail
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2PayPeriod
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2Pto
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2SalaryDetail
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3BankAccountDetail
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employee
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employer
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3Employment
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PaidTimeOff
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayDetail
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PayPeriod
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3SalaryDetail
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.generated.GeneratedV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport.IndianPassportV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.internationalid.InternationalIdV2Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4LineItem
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter.InvoiceSplitterV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter.InvoiceSplitterV1InvoicePageGroup
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.multireceiptsdetector.MultiReceiptsDetectorV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1AddedSugar
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Calorie
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Cholesterol
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1DietaryFiber
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Nutrient
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Protein
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1SaturatedFat
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1ServingSize
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Sodium
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalCarbohydrate
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalFat
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TotalSugar
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1TransFat
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.passport.PassportV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5LineItem
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Certificate
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Education
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Language
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1ProfessionalExperience
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1SocialNetworksUrl
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.bankcheck.BankCheckV1Page
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Copay
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2RecipientAddress
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2SenderAddress
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3Document
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3RecipientAddress
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3SenderAddress
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.WorkflowOptions
toString() - Method in class com.mindee.WorkflowOptions.WorkflowOptionsBuilder
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.CompanyRegistrationField
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in interface com.mindee.parsing.standard.LineItemField
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.parsing.standard.TaxField
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.billoflading.BillOfLadingV1CarrierItem
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1LineItem
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1EnergyUsage
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Subscription
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1TaxesAndContribution
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV2SalaryDetail
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3PaidTimeOff
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.fr.payslip.PayslipV3SalaryDetail
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4LineItem
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.invoicesplitter.InvoiceSplitterV1InvoicePageGroup
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Nutrient
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5LineItem
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Certificate
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Education
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1Language
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1ProfessionalExperience
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.resume.ResumeV1SocialNetworksUrl
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.healthcarecard.HealthcareCardV1Copay
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2RecipientAddress
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
toTableLine() - Method in class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3RecipientAddress
Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
totalAmount - Variable in class com.mindee.product.deliverynote.DeliveryNoteV1Document
The total monetary value of the goods being delivered.
totalAmount - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The total amount paid: includes taxes, tips, fees, and other charges.
totalAmount - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The total amount to be paid for the energy invoice.
totalAmount - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The total amount of the invoice: includes taxes, tips, fees, and other charges.
totalAmount - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The total amount paid: includes taxes, discounts, fees, tips, and gratuity.
totalBeforeTaxes - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
The total amount to be paid for the energy invoice before taxes.
totalCarbohydrate - Variable in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The total amount of carbohydrates in the product.
totalFat - Variable in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The total amount of fat in the product.
totalNet - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The net amount paid: does not include taxes, fees, and discounts.
totalNet - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The net amount of the invoice: does not include taxes, fees, and discounts.
totalNet - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The net amount paid: does not include taxes, fees, and discounts.
totalSugars - Variable in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The total amount of sugars in the product.
totalTax - Variable in class com.mindee.product.financialdocument.FinancialDocumentV1Document
The sum of all taxes present on the document.
totalTax - Variable in class com.mindee.product.invoice.InvoiceV4Document
The total tax: the sum of all the taxes for this invoice.
totalTax - Variable in class com.mindee.product.receipt.ReceiptV5Document
The sum of all taxes.
totalTaxes - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.energybill.EnergyBillV1Document
Total of taxes applied to the invoice.
transFat - Variable in class com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel.NutritionFactsLabelV1Document
The amount of trans fat in the product.


u1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's sound level (dB).
u2 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle engine's rotation speed (RPM).
urlFromEndpoint(Function<Endpoint, String>) - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpApi.MindeeHttpApiBuilder
urlInputSource(URL) - Method in class com.mindee.http.RequestParameters.RequestParametersBuilder
URLInputSource - Class in com.mindee.input
Input source wrapper to load remote files locally.
URLInputSource.Builder - Class in com.mindee.input
Builder class for an URLInputSource.
UsMailV2 - Class in com.mindee.product.us.usmail
US Mail API version 2 inference prediction.
UsMailV2() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2
UsMailV2Document - Class in com.mindee.product.us.usmail
US Mail API version 2.0 document data.
UsMailV2Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2Document
UsMailV2RecipientAddress - Class in com.mindee.product.us.usmail
The addresses of the recipients.
UsMailV2RecipientAddress() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2RecipientAddress
UsMailV2SenderAddress - Class in com.mindee.product.us.usmail
The address of the sender.
UsMailV2SenderAddress() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV2SenderAddress
UsMailV3 - Class in com.mindee.product.us.usmail
US Mail API version 3 inference prediction.
UsMailV3() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3
UsMailV3Document - Class in com.mindee.product.us.usmail
US Mail API version 3.0 document data.
UsMailV3Document() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3Document
UsMailV3RecipientAddress - Class in com.mindee.product.us.usmail
The addresses of the recipients.
UsMailV3RecipientAddress() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3RecipientAddress
UsMailV3SenderAddress - Class in com.mindee.product.us.usmail
The address of the sender.
UsMailV3SenderAddress() - Constructor for class com.mindee.product.us.usmail.UsMailV3SenderAddress


v7 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
The vehicle's CO2 emission (g/km).
validateUrl(URL) - Static method in class com.mindee.input.InputSourceUtils
Ensures the URL can be sent to the Mindee server.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mindee.input.PageOptionsOperation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.mindee.parsing.common.ExecutionPriority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.mindee.input.PageOptionsOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.mindee.parsing.common.ExecutionPriority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
version() - Method in annotation type com.mindee.http.CustomEndpointInfo
The version number of the API.
version() - Method in annotation type com.mindee.http.EndpointInfo


website - Variable in class com.mindee.product.businesscard.BusinessCardV1Document
The website of the person or company.
width - Variable in class com.mindee.image.ImageUtils.Dimensions
withCredentials(String, String) - Method in class com.mindee.input.URLInputSource.Builder
withLocalFilename(String) - Method in class com.mindee.input.URLInputSource.Builder
withToken(String) - Method in class com.mindee.input.URLInputSource.Builder
Word - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr
Represents a word.
Word() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.ocr.Word
workflowOptions(WorkflowOptions) - Method in class com.mindee.http.RequestParameters.RequestParametersBuilder
WorkflowOptions - Class in com.mindee
Workflow-specific options.
WorkflowOptions.WorkflowOptionsBuilder - Class in com.mindee
WorkflowResponse<DocT extends Inference> - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Represents the server response after a document is sent to a workflow.
WorkflowResponse() - Constructor for class com.mindee.parsing.common.WorkflowResponse
WorkflowResponse.Default - Class in com.mindee.parsing.common
Default product is GeneratedV1.
workflowUrlFromEndpoint(Function<String, String>) - Method in class com.mindee.http.MindeeHttpApi.MindeeHttpApiBuilder
writeToFile(String) - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.ExtractedImage
Write the image to a file.
writeToFile(String) - Method in class com.mindee.extraction.ExtractedPDF
Write the PDF to a file.
writeToFile(String) - Method in class com.mindee.pdf.PdfPageImage
Write the image to a file.


x(Double) - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Point.PointBuilder
x1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Next technical control date.


y(Double) - Method in class com.mindee.geometry.Point.PointBuilder
y1 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Amount of the regional proportional tax of the registration (in euros).
y2 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Amount of the additional parafiscal tax of the registration (in euros).
y3 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Amount of the additional CO2 tax of the registration (in euros).
y4 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Amount of the fee for managing the registration (in euros).
y5 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Amount of the fee for delivery of the registration certificate in euros.
y6 - Variable in class com.mindee.product.fr.cartegrise.CarteGriseV1Document
Total amount of registration fee to be paid in euros.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y 
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