Class ResumeV1Education

    • Constructor Detail

      • ResumeV1Education

        public ResumeV1Education()
    • Method Detail

      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Specified by:
        isEmpty in class BaseField
        true if the field is empty, false otherwise.
      • toTableLine

        public String toTableLine()
        Output the line in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST table.
        Specified by:
        toTableLine in interface LineItemField
      • getDegreeDomain

        public String getDegreeDomain()
        The area of study or specialization.
      • getDegreeType

        public String getDegreeType()
        The type of degree obtained, such as Bachelor's, Master's, or Doctorate.
      • getEndMonth

        public String getEndMonth()
        The month when the education program or course was completed.
      • getEndYear

        public String getEndYear()
        The year when the education program or course was completed.
      • getSchool

        public String getSchool()
        The name of the school.
      • getStartMonth

        public String getStartMonth()
        The month when the education program or course began.
      • getStartYear

        public String getStartYear()
        The year when the education program or course began.