Class EnergyBillV1Document

  • public class EnergyBillV1Document
    extends Prediction
    Energy Bill API version 1.0 document data.
    • Field Detail

      • contractId

        protected StringField contractId
        The unique identifier associated with a specific contract.
      • deliveryPoint

        protected StringField deliveryPoint
        The unique identifier assigned to each electricity or gas consumption point. It specifies the exact location where the energy is delivered.
      • dueDate

        protected DateField dueDate
        The date by which the payment for the energy invoice is due.
      • invoiceDate

        protected DateField invoiceDate
        The date when the energy invoice was issued.
      • invoiceNumber

        protected StringField invoiceNumber
        The unique identifier of the energy invoice.
      • totalAmount

        protected AmountField totalAmount
        The total amount to be paid for the energy invoice.
      • totalBeforeTaxes

        protected AmountField totalBeforeTaxes
        The total amount to be paid for the energy invoice before taxes.
      • totalTaxes

        protected AmountField totalTaxes
        Total of taxes applied to the invoice.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EnergyBillV1Document

        public EnergyBillV1Document()
    • Method Detail

      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Description copied from class: Prediction
        Returns true if there are no predictions values. Accessing prediction values when this is true may result in a NullPointerException
        Specified by:
        isEmpty in class Prediction
      • getContractId

        public StringField getContractId()
        The unique identifier associated with a specific contract.
      • getDeliveryPoint

        public StringField getDeliveryPoint()
        The unique identifier assigned to each electricity or gas consumption point. It specifies the exact location where the energy is delivered.
      • getDueDate

        public DateField getDueDate()
        The date by which the payment for the energy invoice is due.
      • getInvoiceDate

        public DateField getInvoiceDate()
        The date when the energy invoice was issued.
      • getInvoiceNumber

        public StringField getInvoiceNumber()
        The unique identifier of the energy invoice.
      • getTotalAmount

        public AmountField getTotalAmount()
        The total amount to be paid for the energy invoice.
      • getTotalBeforeTaxes

        public AmountField getTotalBeforeTaxes()
        The total amount to be paid for the energy invoice before taxes.
      • getTotalTaxes

        public AmountField getTotalTaxes()
        Total of taxes applied to the invoice.
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object