Class HealthcareCardV1Document

  • public class HealthcareCardV1Document
    extends Prediction
    Healthcare Card API version 1.0 document data.
    • Field Detail

      • companyName

        protected StringField companyName
        The name of the company that provides the healthcare plan.
      • dependents

        protected List<StringField> dependents
        The list of dependents covered by the healthcare plan.
      • enrollmentDate

        protected DateField enrollmentDate
        The date when the member enrolled in the healthcare plan.
      • groupNumber

        protected StringField groupNumber
        The group number associated with the healthcare plan.
      • issuer80840

        protected StringField issuer80840
        The organization that issued the healthcare plan.
      • memberId

        protected StringField memberId
        The unique identifier for the member in the healthcare system.
      • memberName

        protected StringField memberName
        The name of the member covered by the healthcare plan.
      • payerId

        protected StringField payerId
        The unique identifier for the payer in the healthcare system.
      • rxBin

        protected StringField rxBin
        The BIN number for prescription drug coverage.
      • rxGrp

        protected StringField rxGrp
        The group number for prescription drug coverage.
      • rxPcn

        protected StringField rxPcn
        The PCN number for prescription drug coverage.
    • Constructor Detail

      • HealthcareCardV1Document

        public HealthcareCardV1Document()
    • Method Detail

      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Description copied from class: Prediction
        Returns true if there are no predictions values. Accessing prediction values when this is true may result in a NullPointerException
        Specified by:
        isEmpty in class Prediction
      • getCompanyName

        public StringField getCompanyName()
        The name of the company that provides the healthcare plan.
      • getDependents

        public List<StringField> getDependents()
        The list of dependents covered by the healthcare plan.
      • getEnrollmentDate

        public DateField getEnrollmentDate()
        The date when the member enrolled in the healthcare plan.
      • getGroupNumber

        public StringField getGroupNumber()
        The group number associated with the healthcare plan.
      • getIssuer80840

        public StringField getIssuer80840()
        The organization that issued the healthcare plan.
      • getMemberId

        public StringField getMemberId()
        The unique identifier for the member in the healthcare system.
      • getMemberName

        public StringField getMemberName()
        The name of the member covered by the healthcare plan.
      • getPayerId

        public StringField getPayerId()
        The unique identifier for the payer in the healthcare system.
      • getRxBin

        public StringField getRxBin()
        The BIN number for prescription drug coverage.
      • getRxGrp

        public StringField getRxGrp()
        The group number for prescription drug coverage.
      • getRxPcn

        public StringField getRxPcn()
        The PCN number for prescription drug coverage.
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object