Class IndianPassportV1Document

  • public class IndianPassportV1Document
    extends Prediction
    Passport - India API version 1.1 document data.
    • Field Detail

      • address1

        protected StringField address1
        The first line of the address of the passport holder.
      • address2

        protected StringField address2
        The second line of the address of the passport holder.
      • address3

        protected StringField address3
        The third line of the address of the passport holder.
      • birthDate

        protected DateField birthDate
        The birth date of the passport holder, ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
      • birthPlace

        protected StringField birthPlace
        The birth place of the passport holder.
      • country

        protected StringField country
        ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code (3 letters format).
      • expiryDate

        protected DateField expiryDate
        The date when the passport will expire, ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
      • fileNumber

        protected StringField fileNumber
        The file number of the passport document.
      • givenNames

        protected StringField givenNames
        The given names of the passport holder.
      • idNumber

        protected StringField idNumber
        The identification number of the passport document.
      • issuanceDate

        protected DateField issuanceDate
        The date when the passport was issued, ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
      • issuancePlace

        protected StringField issuancePlace
        The place where the passport was issued.
      • legalGuardian

        protected StringField legalGuardian
        The name of the legal guardian of the passport holder (if applicable).
      • mrz1

        protected StringField mrz1
        The first line of the machine-readable zone (MRZ) of the passport document.
      • mrz2

        protected StringField mrz2
        The second line of the machine-readable zone (MRZ) of the passport document.
      • nameOfMother

        protected StringField nameOfMother
        The name of the mother of the passport holder.
      • nameOfSpouse

        protected StringField nameOfSpouse
        The name of the spouse of the passport holder (if applicable).
      • oldPassportDateOfIssue

        protected DateField oldPassportDateOfIssue
        The date of issue of the old passport (if applicable), ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
      • oldPassportNumber

        protected StringField oldPassportNumber
        The number of the old passport (if applicable).
      • oldPassportPlaceOfIssue

        protected StringField oldPassportPlaceOfIssue
        The place of issue of the old passport (if applicable).
      • pageNumber

        protected ClassificationField pageNumber
        The page number of the passport document.
      • surname

        protected StringField surname
        The surname of the passport holder.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IndianPassportV1Document

        public IndianPassportV1Document()
    • Method Detail

      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Description copied from class: Prediction
        Returns true if there are no predictions values. Accessing prediction values when this is true may result in a NullPointerException
        Specified by:
        isEmpty in class Prediction
      • getAddress1

        public StringField getAddress1()
        The first line of the address of the passport holder.
      • getAddress2

        public StringField getAddress2()
        The second line of the address of the passport holder.
      • getAddress3

        public StringField getAddress3()
        The third line of the address of the passport holder.
      • getBirthDate

        public DateField getBirthDate()
        The birth date of the passport holder, ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
      • getBirthPlace

        public StringField getBirthPlace()
        The birth place of the passport holder.
      • getCountry

        public StringField getCountry()
        ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code (3 letters format).
      • getExpiryDate

        public DateField getExpiryDate()
        The date when the passport will expire, ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
      • getFileNumber

        public StringField getFileNumber()
        The file number of the passport document.
      • getGivenNames

        public StringField getGivenNames()
        The given names of the passport holder.
      • getIdNumber

        public StringField getIdNumber()
        The identification number of the passport document.
      • getIssuanceDate

        public DateField getIssuanceDate()
        The date when the passport was issued, ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
      • getIssuancePlace

        public StringField getIssuancePlace()
        The place where the passport was issued.
      • getLegalGuardian

        public StringField getLegalGuardian()
        The name of the legal guardian of the passport holder (if applicable).
      • getMrz1

        public StringField getMrz1()
        The first line of the machine-readable zone (MRZ) of the passport document.
      • getMrz2

        public StringField getMrz2()
        The second line of the machine-readable zone (MRZ) of the passport document.
      • getNameOfMother

        public StringField getNameOfMother()
        The name of the mother of the passport holder.
      • getNameOfSpouse

        public StringField getNameOfSpouse()
        The name of the spouse of the passport holder (if applicable).
      • getOldPassportDateOfIssue

        public DateField getOldPassportDateOfIssue()
        The date of issue of the old passport (if applicable), ISO format: YYYY-MM-DD.
      • getOldPassportNumber

        public StringField getOldPassportNumber()
        The number of the old passport (if applicable).
      • getOldPassportPlaceOfIssue

        public StringField getOldPassportPlaceOfIssue()
        The place of issue of the old passport (if applicable).
      • getPageNumber

        public ClassificationField getPageNumber()
        The page number of the passport document.
      • getSurname

        public StringField getSurname()
        The surname of the passport holder.
      • canEqual

        protected boolean canEqual​(Object other)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object