Class PayslipV2Pto

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class PayslipV2Pto
    extends BaseField
    Information about paid time off.
    • Constructor Detail

      • PayslipV2Pto

        public PayslipV2Pto()
    • Method Detail

      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Specified by:
        isEmpty in class BaseField
        true if the field is empty, false otherwise.
      • toFieldList

        public String toFieldList()
        Output the object in a format suitable for inclusion in an rST field list.
      • getAccruedThisPeriod

        public Double getAccruedThisPeriod()
        The amount of paid time off accrued in this period.
      • getBalanceEndOfPeriod

        public Double getBalanceEndOfPeriod()
        The balance of paid time off at the end of the period.
      • getUsedThisPeriod

        public Double getUsedThisPeriod()
        The amount of paid time off used in this period.