Document data for International ID, API version 1.


  • InternationalIdV1Document




address: StringField

The physical location of the document holder's residence.

birthDate: DateField

The date of birth of the document holder.

birthPlace: StringField

The location where the document holder was born.

countryOfIssue: StringField

The country that issued the identification document.

documentNumber: StringField

The unique identifier assigned to the identification document.

The type of identification document being used.

expiryDate: DateField

The date when the document will no longer be valid for use.

givenNames: StringField[] = []

The first names or given names of the document holder.

issueDate: DateField

The date when the document was issued.

First line of information in a standardized format for easy machine reading and processing.

Second line of information in a standardized format for easy machine reading and processing.

Third line of information in a standardized format for easy machine reading and processing.

nationality: StringField

Indicates the country of citizenship or nationality of the document holder.

The document holder's biological sex, such as male or female.

surnames: StringField[] = []

The surnames of the document holder.


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