Invoice API version 4.9 document data.




billingAddress: StringField

The customer's address used for billing.

customerAddress: StringField

The address of the customer.

customerCompanyRegistrations: CompanyRegistrationField[] = []

List of company registrations associated to the customer.

customerId: StringField

The customer account number or identifier from the supplier.

customerName: StringField

The name of the customer or client.

date: DateField

The date the purchase was made.


dueDate: DateField

The date on which the payment is due.

invoiceNumber: StringField

The invoice number or identifier.

lineItems: InvoiceV4LineItem[] = []

List of line item details.

locale: LocaleField

The locale detected on the document.

paymentDate: DateField

The date on which the payment is due/ was full-filled.

poNumber: StringField

The purchase order number.

referenceNumbers: StringField[] = []

List of Reference numbers, including PO number.

shippingAddress: StringField

Customer's delivery address.

supplierAddress: StringField

The address of the supplier or merchant.

supplierCompanyRegistrations: CompanyRegistrationField[] = []

List of company registrations associated to the supplier.

supplierEmail: StringField

The email of the supplier or merchant.

supplierName: StringField

The name of the supplier or merchant.

supplierPaymentDetails: PaymentDetailsField[] = []

List of payment details associated to the supplier.

supplierPhoneNumber: StringField

The phone number of the supplier or merchant.

supplierWebsite: StringField

The website URL of the supplier or merchant.

taxes: Taxes

List of tax line details.

totalAmount: AmountField

The total amount paid: includes taxes, tips, fees, and other charges.

totalNet: AmountField

The net amount paid: does not include taxes, fees, and discounts.

totalTax: AmountField

The total tax: includes all the taxes paid for this invoice.
