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Classes & decorators

In Tawazi, there 3 Classes that will be manipulated by the user:

  1. ExecNode: a wrapper around a function. ExecNode can be executed inside a DAG. ExecNode can take arguments and return values to be used as arguments in other ExecNodes.
  2. DAG: a wrapper around a function that defines a dag dependency. This function should only contain calls to ExecNodes (you can not call normal Python functions inside a DAG!)
  3. DAGExecution: an instance related to DAG for advanced usage. It can execute a DAG and keeps information about the last execution. It allows checking all ExecNodes results, running subgraphs, caching DAG executions and more (c.f. section below for usage documentation).

Decorators are provided to create the previous classes:

  1. @xn: creates ExecNode from a function.
  2. @dag: creates DAG from a function.

basic usage

from tawazi import xn, dag
def incr(x):
  return x + 1

# incr is no longer a function
# incr became a `LazyExecNode` which is a subclass of `ExecNode`.

def decr(x):
  return x - 1

def display(x):

def pipeline(x):
  x_lo = decr(x)
  x_hi = incr(x)

# pipeline is no longer a function
# pipeline became a `DAG`

# `DAG` can be executed, they behave the same as the original function without decorators.

By default, calling ExecNode outside of a DAG describing function will raise an error.

However, the user can control this behavior by setting the environment variable TAWAZI_EXECNODE_OUTSIDE_DAG_BEHAVIOR to:

  1. "error": raise an error if an ExecNode is called outside of DAG description (default)
  2. "warning": raise a warning if an ExecNode is called outside of DAG description, but execute the wrapped function anyway
  3. "ignore": execute the wrapped function anyway.

This way, ExecNode can still be called outside of a DAG. It will raise a warning.

# set environment variable to warning
from tawazi import cfg

display('Hello World!')
# <stdin>:1: UserWarning: Invoking LazyExecNode display ~ | <0x7fdc03d4ebb0> outside of a `DAG`. Executing wrapped function instead of describing dependency.
# prints Hello World!

This makes it possible - in some cases - to debug your code outside Tawazi's scheduler and see the data movements between different ExecNodes. Simply remove @dag from the pipeline function and run it again.

def pipeline(x):
  x_lo = decr(x)
  x_hi = incr(x)
  return x

assert pipeline(10) == 10

#@dag  # comment out the decorator
def pipeline(x):
  x_lo = decr(x)
  x_hi = incr(x)  # put breakpoint here and debug!
  return x

assert pipeline(10) == 10


You can use Tawazi to make your non CPU-Bound code Faster

from time import sleep, time

def a():
    print("Function 'a' is running", flush=True)
    return "A"

def b():
    print("Function 'b' is running", flush=True)
    return "B"

def c(a, b):
    print("Function 'c' is running", flush=True)
    print(f"Function 'c' received {a} from 'a' & {b} from 'b'", flush=True)
    return f"{a} + {b} = C"

def pipeline():
  res_a = a()
  res_b = b()
  res_c = c(res_a, res_b)
  return res_c

t0 = time()
# executing the dag takes a single line of code
res = pipeline()
execution_time = time() - t0
assert execution_time < 1.5  # a() and b() are executed in parallel
print(f"Graph execution took {execution_time:.2f} seconds")
print(f"res = {res}")
As you can see, the execution time of pipeline takes less than 2 seconds, which means that some part of the code ran in parallel to the other

DAG is like a normal function

You can pass in arguments to the pipeline and get returned results back like normal functions:

from tawazi import xn, dag
def xn1(i):
  return i+1

def xn2(i, j=1):
  return i + j + 1

def pipeline(i=0):
  res1 = xn1(i)
  res2 = xn2(res1)
  return res2

# run pipeline with default parameters
assert pipeline() == 3
# run pipeline with passed parameters
assert pipeline(1) == 4
Currently you can not pass in named parameters to the DAG (will be supported in future releases). (This should not be confused with passing keyworded arguments to ExecNodes which is possible)

You can return multiple values from a pipeline via tuples, lists or dicts (depth of 1).

def pipeline_tuple():
  return xn1(1), xn2(1)

assert pipeline_tuple() == (2, 3)

def pipeline_list():
  return [xn1(1), xn2(2)]

assert pipeline_list() == [2, 4]

def pipeline_dict():
  return {"foo": xn1(1), "bar": xn2(3)}

assert pipeline_dict() == {"foo": 2, "bar": 5}

You can return multiple values from ExecNodes:

  1. Either via Python Tuples and Lists but you will have to specify the unpacking number

def replicate_tuple(val):
  return (val, val + 1, val + 2, val + 3)

def replicate_list(val):
  return [val, val + 1, val + 2, val + 3]

def pipeline():
  v1, v2, v3, v4 = replicate_tuple(1)
  v5, v6, v7, v8 = replicate_list(v4)
  return v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7, v8

assert pipeline() == (1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7)
2. Or via indexing (Dict or List etc.):

def gen_dict(val):
  return {"k1": val, "k2": "2", "nested_list": [1 ,11, 3]}

def gen_list(val):
  return [val, val + 1, val + 2, val + 3]

def incr(val):
  return val + 1

def pipeline(val):
  d = gen_dict(val)
  l = gen_list(d["k1"])
  inc_val = incr(l[0])
  inc_val_2 = incr(d["nested_list"][1])
  return d, l, inc_val, inc_val_2

d, l, inc_val, inc_val_2 = pipeline(123)
assert d == {"k1": 123, "k2": "2", "nested_list": [1 ,11, 3]}
assert l == [123, 124, 125, 126]
assert inc_val == 124
assert inc_val_2 == 12
This makes the DAG usage as close to using the original pipeline function as possible.

Setup ExecNodes

Setup ExecNodes have their results cached in the DAG instance. This means that they run once per DAG instance. These can be used to load large constant data from Disk (Machine Learning Models, Large CSV files, initialization of a resource, prewarming etc.)

LARGE_DATA = "Long algorithm to generate Constant Data"
def setop():
  global setop_counter
  setop_counter += 1
  return LARGE_DATA
def my_print(arg):
  return arg

def pipeline():
  cst_data = setop()
  large_data = my_print(cst_data)
  return large_data

setop_counter = 0
# create another instance because setup ExecNode result is cached inside the instance
assert LARGE_DATA == pipeline()
assert setop_counter == 1
assert LARGE_DATA == pipeline()
assert setop_counter == 1 # setop_counter is skipped the second time pipe1 is invoked
if you want to re-run the setup ExecNode, you have to redeclare the DAG or deepcopy the original DAG instance before executing it.

from copy import deepcopy
def pipeline():
  cst_data = setop()
  large_data = my_print(cst_data)
  return large_data

setop_counter = 0
assert LARGE_DATA == deepcopy(pipeline)()
assert setop_counter == 1
assert LARGE_DATA ==  deepcopy(pipeline)()
assert setop_counter == 2
You can run the setup ExecNodes alone:

def pipeline():
  cst_data = setop()
  large_data = my_print(cst_data)
  return large_data

The goal of having setup ExecNode is to load only the necessary resources when a subgraph is executed. Here is an example demonstrating it:

from pprint import PrettyPrinter
def setop1():
  return "large data 1"

def setop2():
  return "large data 2"

def print_xn(val):

def pprint_xn(val):

def pipeline():
  data1 = setop1()
  data2 = setop2()
  return data1, data2

exec_ = pipeline.executor(target_nodes=["print_xn"])
# Notice how the execution of the subgraph doesn't run the setop1 `ExecNode`.
# This makes development of your complex pipeline faster by loading only the necessary resources.
assert ("large data 1", None) == exec_()

Debug ExecNode

You can Make Debug ExecNodes that will only run if RUN_DEBUG_NODES env variable is set. These can be visualization ExecNodes for example or some complicated Assertions that helps you debug problems when needed that are hostile to the production environment (they consume too much computation time):

def a(i):
  return i + 1

def print_debug(i):
  global debug_has_run
  debug_has_run = True
  print("DEBUG: ", i)

def pipe():
  i = a(0)
  return i

debug_has_run = False
assert debug_has_run == False

Advanced Usage


A tag is a user defined identifier for an ExecNode. Every ExecNode can have a no tag or multiple _tag_s.

You can tag an ExecNode with an str. You can also tag it using multiple tags (Tuple[str])

@xn(tag="twinkle toes")
def a():
  print("I am tough")

def b():
  print("I am normal")

def pipeline():

xn_a, = pipeline.get_nodes_by_tag("twinkle toes")
You can do whatever you want with this ExecNode:

  1. like looking in its arguments
  2. setting its priority
  3. changing it to become a debug ExecNode

WARNING: This is an advanced usage. Your methods might break more often with Tawazi releases because ExecNode is an internal Object. Please use with care

You can have multiple Tags for the same ExecNode and the same Tag for multiple ExecNodes:

@xn(tag=("twinkle", "toes"))
def a():
    print("I am tough")
def b():
    print("I am light")
def pipeline():

xn_a, xn_b = pipeline.get_nodes_by_tag("twinkle")

You can even tag a specific call of an ExecNode:

def stub_xn(i):
  return i

def print_xn(i):

def pipeline():
  hello = stub_xn("hello")
  goodbye = stub_xn("goodbye")
  print_xn(goodbye, twz_tag="byebye")

# multiple nodes can have the same tag!
xns_bye = pipeline.get_nodes_by_tag("byebye")

This will be useful if you want to run a subgraph (cf. the next paragraph). It will also be useful if you want to access result of a specific ExecNode after an Execution


DAGExecution is a class that contains a reference to the DAG. It is used to run a DAG or a subgraph of the DAG. After execution, the results of ExecNodes are stored in the DAGExecution instance. Hence you can access intermediate results after execution.

from tawazi import DAGExecution
# construct a DAGExecution from a DAG by doing
dx = DAGExecution(pipeline)
# or
dx = pipeline.executor()
You can run a subgraph of your pipeline: Make a DAGExecution from your DAG and use target_nodes parameter to specify which ExecNode to run.

The DAG will execute until the specified ExecNodes and all other ExecNodes will be skipped.

pipe_exec = pipeline.executor(target_nodes=[b])
You can use the __qualname__ of the decorated function as an Identifier.

pipe_exec = pipeline.executor(target_nodes=["b"])
You can use the tag of an ExecNode

pipe_exec = pipeline.executor(target_nodes=["c_node"])
You can use the calling tag to distinguish the 1st call of g from the 2nd call!

pipe_exec = pipeline.executor(target_nodes=["byebye"])
You can even pass in the ExecNodes themselves and mix identifiers types

pipe_exec = pipeline.executor(target_nodes=["b", xns_bye[0]])


Because DAGExecution instances are mutable, they are non thread-safe. This is unlike DAG which is ThreadSafe

Basic Operations between nodes

UsageExecNodes implements almost all basic operations (addition, substraction, ...).

def gen_data(x):
  return (x + 1) ** 2
def my_print(x):
def pipe(x, y):
  x,y = gen_data(x), gen_data(y)
  return -x, -y, x+y, x*y
assert pipe(1, 2) == (-4, -9, 13, 36)
It's not possible to support logical operations and, or and not since __bool__ should always return a boolean. during the dependency description phase, all xn decorated functions return UsageExecNode. However bitwise logical operators are implemented so that bitwise & can be used inside a DAG.

&, | vs and, or

& and | have different behavior than and and or in python. and and or are short-circuiting while & and | are not. This is because and and or are logical operators while & and | are bitwise operators.

def pipe(x: bool, y: bool):
  return x & y, x | y
assert pipe(True, False) == (False, True)

Conditional Execution

Currently, conditional statements are not supported in DAG. However, ExecNodes can be executed conditionally by passing a bool to the added parameter twz_active. This parameter can be a constant or a result of an execution of other ExecNode in the DAG. Since basic boolean operations are implemented on UsageExecNodes, you can use bitwise operations (&, or) to simulate and, or; however this is not recommended, please use the provided and_, or_ and not_ ExecNodes instead.

from tawazi import and_
def f1(x):
  return x ** 2 + 1
def f2(x):
  return x ** 2 - 1
def f3(x):
  return x ** 3
def wrap_dict(x):
  return {"value": x}
def pipe(x):
  v1 = f1(x, twz_active=x > 0)  # equivalent to if x > 0: v1 = f1(x)
  v2 = f2(x, twz_active=x < 0)  # equivalent to if x < 0: v2 = f2(x)

  # you can also write `v3 = f3(x, twz_active=(x > 1) & (x > 0))`
  v3 = f3(x, twz_active=and_(x > 1, x > 0))

  # subsequent usages only execute if the previous `ExecNode` is executed otherwise returns None
  r1 = wrap_dict(v1)
  r2 = wrap_dict(v2)
  r3 = wrap_dict(v3)

  return r1, r2, r3

assert pipe(-1) == (None, {"value": 0}, None)
assert pipe(2) == ({"value": 5}, None, {"value": 8})
assert pipe(0) == (None, None, None)

Fine Control of Parallel Execution

  1. You can control which node is preferred to run 1st when mutliple ExecNodes are available for execution. This can be achieved through modifications of priority of the ExecNode.
  2. You can even make an ExecNode run alone (i.e. without allowing other ExecNodes to execute in parallel to it). This can be helpful if you write code that is not thread-safe or use a library that is not thread-safe in a certain ExecNode. This is achieved by setting the is_sequential parameter to True for the ExecNode in question. The default value is set via the environment variable TAWAZI_IS_SEQUENTIAL (c.f. tawazi.config).
  3. You can control the behavior of the DAG in case an ExecNode fails: a. "strict": stop execution of the DAG b. "all-children": stop the execution of the all successors c. "permissive": continue the execution of the whole DAG
from time import sleep, time
from tawazi import xn, dag

def a():
    print("Function 'a' is running", flush=True)
    return "A"

# optionally configure each ExecNode using the decorator:
# is_sequential = True to prevent ExecNode from running in parallel with other ExecNodes
# priority to choose the ExecNode in the next execution phase
@xn(is_sequential=True, priority=10)
def b():
    print("Function 'b' is running", flush=True)
    return "B"

def c(a, arg_b):
    print("Function 'c' is running", flush=True)
    print(f"Function 'c' received {a} from 'a' & {arg_b} from 'b'", flush=True)
    return f"{a} + {arg_b} = C"

# optionally customize the DAG
@dag(max_concurrency=2, behavior="strict")
def deps_describer():
  res_a = a()
  res_b = b()
  res_c = c(res_a, res_b)
  return res_a, res_b, res_c

t0 = time()
# the dag instance is reusable.
# This is recommended if you want to do the same computation multiple times
res_a, res_b, res_c = deps_describer()
execution_time = time() - t0
print(f"Graph execution took {execution_time:.2f} seconds")
assert res_a == "A"
assert res_b == "B"
assert res_c == "A + B = C"

DAG Composition


You can compose a sub-DAG from your original DAG. This is useful if you want to reuse a part of your DAG. Using the DAG.compose method, you provide the inputs and the outputs of the composed sub-DAG. Order is kept.

Inputs and outputs are communicated via either the ExecNode reference or the tag/id of the ExecNode. Any ambiguity will raise an Error.


All necessary inputs should be provided to produce the desired outputs. Otherwise an ValueError is raised.

def add(x, y):
  return x + y
def mul(x, y):
  return x * y
def pipe(x, y, z, w):
  v1 = add(1, x, twz_tag="add_v1")
  v2 = add(v1, y)
  v3 = add(v2, z, twz_tag="add_v3")
  v4 = mul(v3, w)
  return v4

assert pipe(2,3,4,5) == 50
# declare a sub-dag that only depends on v1, y, z and produces v3
sub_dag = pipe.compose(inputs=["add_v1", "pipe>>>y", "pipe>>>z"], outputs="add_v3")
assert sub_dag(2,3,4) == 9
# notice that for inputs, we provide the return value of the ExecNode (return value of ExecNode tagged "add_v1")
# but for the outputs, we indicate the the ExecNode whose return value must return.

Resource Usage for Execution

You can control the resource used to run a specific ExecNode. By default, all ExecNodes run in threads inside a ThreadPoolExecutor. This can be changed by setting the resource parameter of the ExecNode. Currently only two values are supported:

  1. "thread": Run the ExecNode inside a thread (default).
  2. "main-thread": Run the ExecNode inside the main thread without Pickling the data to pass it to the threads etc.

from tawazi import Resource
import threading

def run_in_main_thread(main_thread_id):
  assert main_thread_id == threading.get_ident()
  print(f"I am running in the main thread with thread id {threading.get_ident()}")

def run_in_thread(main_thread_id):
  assert main_thread_id != threading.get_ident()
  print(f"I am running in a thread with thread id {threading.get_ident()}")

def dag_with_resource(main_thread_id):

You can also set the default resource for all ExecNodes by setting the environment variable TAWAZI_DEFAULT_RESOURCE to either "thread" or "main-thread".


  1. All code inside a dag descriptor function must be either an @xn decorated functions calls and arguments passed arguments. Otherwise the behavior of the DAG might be unpredictable
  2. Because the main function serves only for the purpose of describing the dependencies, the code that it executes should only describe dependencies. Hence when debugging your code, it will be impossible to view the data movement inside this function. However, you can debug code inside of a node.
  3. MyPy typing is supported. However, for certain cases it is not currently possible to support typing: (twz_tag, twz_active, twz_unpack_to etc.). This is because of pep612's limitation for concatenating-keyword-parameters. As a workaround, you can currently add **kwargs to your original function declaring that it can accept keyworded arguments. However none of the inline tawazi specific parameters (twz_*) parameters will be passed to your function:
def f(x: int):
  return x

f(2)  # works
  # f() got an unexpected keyword argument 'twz_tag'
  f(2, twz_tag="twinkle")  # fails (mypy error)
except TypeError:
def f_with_kwargs(x: int, **kwargs):
  return x

f_with_kwargs(2, twz_tag="toes")  # works