Uses of Package
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.extraction Class Description PositionData A field with position data. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.parsing Class Description LineItemField Represent a single line in a field printable as an rST table. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.parsing.common Class Description PositionField A detected element in the image. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.parsing.custom.lineitems Class Description StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.parsing.generated Class Description AmountField Represent an amount.BooleanField Represent a date.ClassificationField Represents a classifier value.DateField Represent a date.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.parsing.standard Class Description BaseField Represent basics of a field.LineItemField Represent a single line in a field printable as an rST table.PositionData A field with position data.Taxes Represent all the tax lines. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.product.barcodereader Class Description StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.product.billoflading Class Description BaseField Represent basics of a field.DateField Represent a date.LineItemField Represent a single line in a field printable as an rST table.PositionData A field with position data.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.product.businesscard Class Description StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.product.cropper Class Description PositionField A detected element in the image. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.product.deliverynote Class Description AmountField Represent an amount.DateField Represent a date.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.product.driverlicense Class Description DateField Represent a date.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by Class Description DateField Represent a date.PositionField A detected element in the image.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by Class Description StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.product.financialdocument Class Description AmountField Represent an amount.BaseField Represent basics of a field.ClassificationField Represents a classifier value.CompanyRegistrationField Represent a company registration.DateField Represent a date.LineItemField Represent a single line in a field printable as an rST table.LocaleField The local of the page.PaymentDetailsField Represent a payment detail.PositionData A field with position data.StringField Represent a string field.Taxes Represent all the tax lines. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by Class Description BaseField Represent basics of a field.PositionData A field with position data.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by Class Description DateField Represent a date.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by Class Description AmountField Represent an amount.BaseField Represent basics of a field.DateField Represent a date.LineItemField Represent a single line in a field printable as an rST table.PositionData A field with position data.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by Class Description DateField Represent a date.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by Class Description ClassificationField Represents a classifier value.DateField Represent a date.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by Class Description BaseField Represent basics of a field.LineItemField Represent a single line in a field printable as an rST table.PositionData A field with position data. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.product.ind.indianpassport Class Description ClassificationField Represents a classifier value.DateField Represent a date.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.product.internationalid Class Description ClassificationField Represents a classifier value.DateField Represent a date.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.product.invoice Class Description AmountField Represent an amount.BaseField Represent basics of a field.ClassificationField Represents a classifier value.CompanyRegistrationField Represent a company registration.DateField Represent a date.LineItemField Represent a single line in a field printable as an rST table.LocaleField The local of the page.PaymentDetailsField Represent a payment detail.PositionData A field with position data.StringField Represent a string field.Taxes Represent all the tax lines. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.product.multireceiptsdetector Class Description PositionField A detected element in the image. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.product.nutritionfactslabel Class Description AmountField Represent an amount.BaseField Represent basics of a field.LineItemField Represent a single line in a field printable as an rST table.PositionData A field with position data. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.product.passport Class Description DateField Represent a date.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.product.proofofaddress Class Description CompanyRegistrationField Represent a company registration.DateField Represent a date.LocaleField The local of the page.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.product.receipt Class Description AmountField Represent an amount.BaseField Represent basics of a field.ClassificationField Represents a classifier value.CompanyRegistrationField Represent a company registration.DateField Represent a date.LineItemField Represent a single line in a field printable as an rST table.LocaleField The local of the page.PositionData A field with position data.StringField Represent a string field.Taxes Represent all the tax lines.TaxField Represent a tax line. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by com.mindee.product.resume Class Description BaseField Represent basics of a field.ClassificationField Represents a classifier value.LineItemField Represent a single line in a field printable as an rST table.PositionData A field with position data.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by Class Description AmountField Represent an amount.DateField Represent a date.PositionField A detected element in the image.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by Class Description DateField Represent a date.PositionField A detected element in the image.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by Class Description BaseField Represent basics of a field.DateField Represent a date.LineItemField Represent a single line in a field printable as an rST table.PositionData A field with position data.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by Class Description BaseField Represent basics of a field.BooleanField Represent a date.LineItemField Represent a single line in a field printable as an rST table.PositionData A field with position data.StringField Represent a string field. -
Classes in com.mindee.parsing.standard used by Class Description PositionField A detected element in the image.StringField Represent a string field.